discharge ionization voltage

discharge ionization voltage
пороговое напряжение разряда

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "discharge ionization voltage" в других словарях:

  • Discharge ionization detector — A discharge ionization detector (DID) is a type of detector used in gas chromatography. Principle A DID is an ion detector which uses a high voltage electric discharge to produce ions. The spark ionizes helium atoms that are mixed with components …   Wikipedia

  • Voltage regulator tube — A voltage regulator tube (VR tube) is an electronic component used as a shunt regulator to hold a voltage constant at a pre determined level.Physically, these devices resemble vacuum tubes, but there are two main differences: * Their glass… …   Wikipedia

  • Townsend discharge — The Townsend discharge is a gas ionization process where an initially very small amount of free electrons, accelerated by a sufficiently strong electric field, give rise to electrical conduction through a gas by avalanche multiplication: when the …   Wikipedia

  • Electric glow discharge — is a type of plasma formed by passing a current at 100 V to several kV through a gas, usually argon or another noble gas. It is found in products such as fluorescent lights and plasma screen televisions, and is used in plasma physics and… …   Wikipedia

  • Corona discharge — The corona discharge around a high voltage coil …   Wikipedia

  • Dielectric barrier discharge — (DBD) is the electrical discharge between two electrodes separated by an insulating dielectric barrier. Originally called silent (inaudible) discharge and also known as ozone production discharge[1] or partial discharge,[2] it was first reported… …   Wikipedia

  • Capacitor discharge ignition — (CDI) or thyristor ignition is a type of automotive electronic ignition system which is widely used in motorcycles, lawn mowers, chain saws, small engines, Turbine powered aircraft, and some cars. It was originally developed to overcome the long… …   Wikipedia

  • Electrostatic discharge — (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric current that flows between two objects at different electrical potentials. The term is usually used in the electronics and other industries to describe momentary unwanted currents that may cause damage… …   Wikipedia

  • Spark ionization — (also known as spark source ionization()) is a method used to produce gas phase ions from a solid sample. The prepared solid sample is vaporized and partially ionized by an intermittent discharge or spark. [… …   Wikipedia

  • пороговое напряжение разряда — — [Я.Н.Лугинский, М.С.Фези Жилинская, Ю.С.Кабиров. Англо русский словарь по электротехнике и электроэнергетике, Москва, 1999 г.] Тематики электротехника, основные понятия EN discharge ionization voltage …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • Gas-filled tube — See also: Gas discharge lamp A gas filled tube, also known as a discharge tube, is an arrangement of electrodes in a gas within an insulating, temperature resistant envelope. Although the envelope is typically glass, power tubes often use… …   Wikipedia

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