discharge glow
Смотреть что такое "discharge glow" в других словарях:
Discharge — Dis*charge , n. [Cf. F. d[ e]charge. See {Discharge}, v. t.] 1. The act of discharging; the act of relieving of a charge or load; removal of a load or burden; unloading; as, the discharge of a ship; discharge of a cargo. [1913 Webster] 2. Firing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
glow lamp — [glō] n. Elec. a discharge lamp, esp. one used to produce a brightly colored light: see DISCHARGE TUBE (sense 2): sometimes called glow tube … English World dictionary
glow discharge — Glow Discharge Тлеющий разряд Один из видов стационарного самостоятельного электрического разряда в газах. Формируется, как правило, при низком давлении газа и малом токе. При увеличении проходящего тока превращается в дуговой разряд. В… … Толковый англо-русский словарь по нанотехнологии. - М.
Glow stick — 1. Plastic casing covers the inner fluid. 2. A glass capsule covers the solution. 3. Phenyl Oxalate and fluorescent dye solution. 4. Hydrogen Peroxide solution. 5. After the glass capsule is broken and the solutions mix, the glowstick glows. A… … Wikipedia
glow lamp — noun a gas discharge tube with a hot cathode; used in stroboscopes • Hypernyms: ↑gas discharge tube * * * noun : a gas discharge hot cathode electric lamp in which most of the light proceeds from the cathode glow and which is used especially in… … Useful english dictionary
glow — v. & n. v.intr. 1 a throw out light and heat without flame; be incandescent. b shine like something heated in this way. 2 (of the cheeks) redden, esp. from cold or exercise. 3 (often foll. by with) a (of the body) be heated, esp. from exertion;… … Useful english dictionary
glow tube — noun a gas discharge tube consisting of a cold cathode and a diode in a tube filled with gas; the color of the glow depends on the particular gas • Hypernyms: ↑gas discharge tube * * * noun : a gas discharge tube (as of the cold cathode type)… … Useful english dictionary
glow-discharge thyratron — rusenančiojo išlydžio tiratronas statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. cold cathode thyratron; glow discharge thyratron; grid glow tube vok. Kaltkatodenthyratron, m rus. тиратрон с тлеющим разрядом, m; тиратрон с холодным катодом … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
glow discharge lamp — rusenančiojo išlydžio lempa statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. glow discharge lamp; glow lamp vok. Glimmentladungslampe, f; Glimmlampe, f rus. лампа тлеющего разряда, f pranc. lampe à décharge incandescente, f; lampe à effluve, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
discharge — Synonyms and related words: AC arc, Poulsen arc, abide by, abrogate, absolution, absolve, accomplish, accomplished fact, accomplishment, accordance, achieve, achievement, acknowledgment, acquit, acquitment, acquittal, acquittance, adhere to,… … Moby Thesaurus
glow discharge — rusenantysis išlydis statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. glow discharge vok. Glimmentladung, f rus. тлеющий разряд, m pranc. décharge luminescente, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas