discharge characteristic

discharge characteristic
разрядная характеристика

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "discharge characteristic" в других словарях:

  • Characteristic time — The characteristic time is an estimate of the order of magnitude of the reaction time scale. It can loosely be defined as the inverse of the reaction rate. In chemistry, the characteristic time is used to determine whether the problem needs to be …   Wikipedia

  • Gas-discharge lamp — See also: Gas filled tube Germicidal lamps are simple low pressure mercury vapor discharges in a fused quartz envelope. Gas discharge lamps are a family of artificial light sources that generate light by sending an electrical discharge through an …   Wikipedia

  • Corona discharge — The corona discharge around a high voltage coil …   Wikipedia

  • Townsend discharge — The Townsend discharge is a gas ionization process where an initially very small amount of free electrons, accelerated by a sufficiently strong electric field, give rise to electrical conduction through a gas by avalanche multiplication: when the …   Wikipedia

  • High-intensity discharge lamp — A High intensity discharge (HID) lamp is a type of electrical lamp which produces light by means of an electric arc between tungsten electrodes housed inside a translucent or transparent fused quartz or fused alumina tube. This tube is filled… …   Wikipedia

  • List of battery sizes — 4.5 Volt, D, C, AA, AAA, AAAA, A23, 9 Volt, CR2032 and LR44 batteries. This article lists the sizes and shapes of some common primary and secondary battery types in household and light industrial use. The long history of disposable dry cells… …   Wikipedia

  • Button cell — Button, coin, or watch cells A watch battery or button cell is a small single cell battery shaped as a squat cylinder typically 5 to 12 mm in diameter and 1 to 6 mm high like a button on a garment, hence the name. Button cells are used… …   Wikipedia

  • расходная характеристика — Зависимость расхода топлива, пара или воды от нагрузки [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN discharge characteristic …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • GEOGRAPHICAL SURVEY — Names The name Ereẓ Israel (the Land of Israel) designates the land which, according to the Bible was promised as an inheritance to the Israelite tribes. In the course of time it came to be regarded first by the Jews and then also by the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • river — river1 riverless, adj. riverlike, adj. /riv euhr/, n. 1. a natural stream of water of fairly large size flowing in a definite course or channel or series of diverging and converging channels. 2. a similar stream of something other than water: a… …   Universalium

  • eye, human — ▪ anatomy Introduction  specialized sense organ capable of receiving visual images, which are then carried to the brain. Anatomy of the visual apparatus Structures auxiliary to the eye The orbit       The eye is protected from mechanical injury… …   Universalium

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