discard the remainder

discard the remainder
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "discard the remainder" в других словарях:

  • remainder — re·main·der n [Anglo French, from Old French remaindre to remain] 1: an estate in property in favor of one other than the grantor that follows upon the natural termination of a prior intervening possessory estate (as a life estate) created at the …   Law dictionary

  • List of The Dresden Files characters — The Dresden Files series features a diverse cast of complicated characters. Contents 1 Main characters 1.1 Harry Dresden 1.2 Karrin Murphy 1.3 Bob …   Wikipedia

  • Kings in the Corner — is a multi player solitaire style card game using one deck of traditional playing cards with between two and four players participating. The game was thought up by the Grey Family aboard the SS Suevic in the 1910s.Fact|date=May 2008Each player is …   Wikipedia

  • Magic: The Gathering rules — Magic: The Gathering is a playing and collectible card game with extremely detailed and, at times, complex rules. A very good knowledge of the game s rules is absolutely necessary to play the game. The most important rule is that if the text on a …   Wikipedia

  • FRANK, JACOB, AND THE FRANKISTS — Jacob Frank (1726–1791) was the founder of a Jewish sect named after him which comprised the last stage in the development of the Shabbatean movement. He was born Jacob b. Judah Leib in Korolowka (Korolevo), a small town in Podolia. His family… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • BIBLE — THE CANON, TEXT, AND EDITIONS canon general titles the canon the significance of the canon the process of canonization contents and titles of the books the tripartite canon …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Fisher-Yates shuffle — The Fisher Yates shuffle, named after Ronald Fisher and Frank Yates, also known as the Knuth shuffle, after Donald Knuth, is an algorithm for generating a random permutation of a finite set in plain terms, for randomly shuffling the set. A… …   Wikipedia

  • Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol — The Aggregate Level Simulation Protocol (ALSP) is a protocol and supporting software that enables simulations to interoperate with one another. Replaced by the High Level Architecture (simulation) (HLA), it was used by the US military to link… …   Wikipedia

  • List of Hollows in Bleach — The Bleach anime and manga feature an extensive cast of beings known as Hollows (虚(ホロウ), Horō?), the central antagonists of the series. These are malevolent, deceased souls of formerly ordinary humans[1] in the Bleach universe. Much of the series …   Wikipedia

  • List of Torchwood characters — The following is a list of characters in the BBC science fiction television series Torchwood, including supporting characters, and important human villains. Main articles Captain Jack Harkness Main article: Jack Harkness Captain Jack Harkness,… …   Wikipedia

  • 2007 pet food recalls — The 2007 pet food recalls comprise the contamination and wide recall of many brands of cat and dog foods beginning in March 2007, and the ensuing developments involving the human food supply. The recalls in North America, Europe, and South Africa …   Wikipedia

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