disc, disk

disc, disk
1) а) диск, круг;
б) (Д) диск Луны, Солнца;

2) (грам) пластинка;

3) уст = discus;

4) разг . шайба (хоккей) ;

5) вчт . магнитный диск (памяти ЭВМ, тж . magnetic ~)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disc, disk" в других словарях:

  • disc - disk — In British English, a disc is a flat circular object. The metal is protected with a waxed cardboard disc. Cut out a metal disc to fit inside it. In American English, this word is spelled disk. In both British and American English, a disk is also… …   Useful english dictionary

  • disc, disk — ▶ noun 1 the sun was a huge scarlet disc: CIRCLE, round, saucer, discus, ring. 2 computer disks: DISKETTE, floppy disk, floppy; …   Useful english dictionary

  • disc, disk — These words are spelled differently but mean the same thing: a thin, flat, circular plate or object. One refers to a discus thrower but may call a person who conducts a broadcast consisting of recorded music a disc jockey or a disk jockey …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

  • disc — disc, disk The normal spelling in BrE changed from disk at the time of the original OED (1896) to disc by the time of OED2 (1989); in AmE it has remained disk. In computer terminology, however, the American spelling is dominant everywhere (as in… …   Modern English usage

  • disk — disc, disk The normal spelling in BrE changed from disk at the time of the original OED (1896) to disc by the time of OED2 (1989); in AmE it has remained disk. In computer terminology, however, the American spelling is dominant everywhere (as in… …   Modern English usage

  • Disc — Contents 1 Data storage 2 Science 2.1 Astronomy 2.2 Biology …   Wikipedia

  • Disc — Shortened terminology for an intervertebral disc, a disk shaped piece of specialized tissue that separates the bones of the spinal column. The center of a disc, called the nucleus, is soft, springy and receives the shock of standing, walking,… …   Medical dictionary

  • disc — n. (also disk esp. US and in sense 4) 1 a a flat thin circular object. b a round flat or apparently flat surface (the sun s disc). c a mark of this shape. 2 a layer of cartilage between vertebrae. 3 a gramophone record. 4 a (usu. disk; in full… …   Useful english dictionary

  • disk — 1. A round, flat plate; any approximately flat circular structure. 2. SYN: lamella (2). 3. In dentistry, a circular piece of thin paper or other material, coated with an abrasive substance, used for cutting and polishing tee …   Medical dictionary

  • Disk — Dịsk: ↑ Disc. * * * Disk   [dt. »Scheibe«], scheibenförmiger Datenträger. Es hat sich eingebürgert, die Schreibweise »Disk« für magnetische Medien zu verwenden (z. B. Diskette; Festplatte, engl. hard disk); die Schreibweise »Disc« gilt dagegen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • disc — See disc, disk …   Dictionary of problem words and expressions

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