disastrous effect
Смотреть что такое "disastrous effect" в других словарях:
disastrous effect — terrible result, influence which results in disaster … English contemporary dictionary
effect — ▪ I. effect ef‧fect 1 [ɪˈfekt] noun 1. [countable, uncountable] the way in which an action, event, or person changes someone or something: • Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy. demonˈstration efˌfect [singular] … Financial and business terms
effect — 1 /I fekt/ noun 1 CHANGE/RESULT (C, U) the way in which an event, action, or person changes someone or something (+ of): the harmful effects of smoking | have an effect on: Inflation is having a disastrous effect on the economy. | have/achieve… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
disastrous — adjective very bad, or ending in failure: Warrington s disastrous early marriage | Chemical leaks have had a disastrous effect on wildlife. disastrously adverb … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
effect — n 1 Effect, result, consequence, upshot, aftereffect, aftermath, sequel, issue, outcome, event are comparable in signifying something, usually a condition, situation, or occurrence, ascribable to a cause or combination of causes. Effect is the… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
disastrous — [[t]dɪzɑ͟ːstrəs, zæ̱s [/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A disastrous event has extremely bad consequences and effects. ...the recent, disastrous earthquake... The effect on coffee prices has been disastrous for the producers. Syn: terrible Derived words:… … English dictionary
effect — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 change that is caused by sth ADJECTIVE ▪ decisive, dramatic, far reaching, important, marked, powerful, profound, pronounced, significant … Collocations dictionary
disastrous — adj. VERBS ▪ be, prove ▪ become ADVERB ▪ absolutely, completely, quite, truly, utter … Collocations dictionary
Races of the Mass Effect universe — This article is about the fictional races found within the Mass Effect universe. These races are explored in the novels Mass Effect: Revelation and Mass Effect: Ascension, and the video games Mass Effect, Mass Effect Galaxy, and Mass Effect 2.… … Wikipedia
Greenhouse effect — The Greenhouse effect refers to the change in the thermal equilibrium temperature of a planet or moon by the presence of an atmosphere containing gas that absorbs infrared radiation. [ [http://www.ipcc.ch/pdf/assessment report/ar4/syr/ar4 syr… … Wikipedia
Snowball effect — For the SpongeBob SquarePants episode, see Snowball Effect .Snowball effect is a figurative term for a process that starts from an initial state of small significance and builds upon itself, becoming larger (graver, more serious), and perhaps… … Wikipedia