disaster area
Смотреть что такое "disaster area" в других словарях:
disaster area — disaster areas 1) N COUNT A disaster area is a part of a country or the world which has been very seriously affected by a disaster such as an earthquake or a flood. The region has been declared a disaster area. 2) N COUNT: usu sing If you… … English dictionary
disaster area — [n] scene of destruction area of devastation, chaos, confusion, crisis zone, earthquake zone, emergency area, flood zone, havoc, hot spot, war zone; concepts 230,674 … New thesaurus
disaster area — noun a) An area that has been the site of a natural disaster that receives an official designation entitling residents and organizations within that area to receive relief and benefits. Much of the central Gulf Coast was declared a disaster area… … Wiktionary
Disaster area — For the fictional band, see List of minor The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy characters#Hotblack Desiato. Aftermath of the 2004 tsunami. A disaster area is a region or a locale heavily damaged by either natural hazards, such as tornadoes,… … Wikipedia
disaster area — di saster .area n 1.) a place where a flood, storm, fire etc has happened and caused a lot of damage ▪ The town was declared a disaster area (=officially called a disaster area) after the floods. 2.) informal a place that is very untidy or dirty… … Dictionary of contemporary English
disaster area — UK / US noun Word forms disaster area : singular disaster area plural disaster areas 1) [countable] a place or region that has been badly affected by a disaster 2) [singular] humorous a place that is very untidy … English dictionary
disaster area — ekstremaliosios situacijos židinys statusas Aprobuotas sritis civilinė sauga apibrėžtis Vieta, kurioje įvyko įvykis ar ekstremalusis įvykis, ir teritorija, apimanti didžiausio pavojaus sritį apie tų įvykių vietą, kurioje gresia įvykio ar… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
disaster area — noun Date: 1953 an area officially declared to be the scene of an emergency created by a disaster and therefore qualified to receive certain types of governmental aid (as emergency loans and relief supplies) … New Collegiate Dictionary
disaster area — dis aster ,area noun 1. ) count a place or region that has been badly affected by a disaster 2. ) singular HUMOROUS a place that is very messy … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
disaster area — noun a region whose population is affected by a general disaster • Hypernyms: ↑area, ↑country … Useful english dictionary
disaster area — 1. a region or locality in which the population is generally affected by the occurrence of a major disaster, as a widespread flood, an explosion causing extensive damage, or the like. 2. such a region or locality officially determined to be… … Universalium