
ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt гл.
1) уст. лишать (чего-л.) , отбирать (что-л.) Syn : deprive, rob
2) а) разочаровывать, It disappointed everyone that she did not win the prize. ≈ Все были разочарованы, когда узнали, что она проиграла. Syn : disillusion б) обманывать (надежды) , не оправдывать (ожиданий) ;
расстроить (планы) Syn : balk, foil, thwart разочаровывать, не оправдывать надежд - to be *ed in love разочароваться в любви - I was agreeable *ed я был приятно удивлен - he was *ed in his friend он разочаровался в друге - she was *ed with the present подарок разочаровал ее - I was *ed not to see him there я испытал чувство разочарования, не увидев его там - don't * me я на вас рассчитываю;
смотрите, не подведите разрушать, разбивать - to * smb.'s plans расстроить чьи-л. планы - to * smb.'s expectations обмануть чьи-л. ожидания лишать - to be *ed of one's prize лишиться награды /приза/ ~ разочаровывать;
to be disappointed (at smth.) разочароваться (в чем-л.) disappoint лишать;
he was disappointed of the prize его лишили награды ~ обманывать (надежды) ~ разочаровывать;
to be disappointed (at smth.) разочароваться (в чем-л.) disappoint лишать;
he was disappointed of the prize его лишили награды

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "disappoint" в других словарях:

  • Disappoint — Dis ap*point , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disapointed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disappointing}.] [OF. desapointier, F. d[ e]sappointer; pref. des (L. dis ) + apointier, F. appointier, to appoint. See {Appoint}.] 1. To defeat of expectation or hope; to hinder… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • disappoint — I verb break one s promise to, cause discontent, dash one s expectation, deicere, discourage, disenchant, disgruntle, dishearten, disillusion, disillusionize, displease, dissatisfy, fail, frustrari, hinder, let down, make dissatisfied, ruin one s …   Law dictionary

  • disappoint — early 15c., dispossess of appointed office, from M.Fr. desappointer (14c.) undo the appointment, remove from office, from des (see DIS (Cf. dis )) + appointer appoint (see APPOINT (Cf. appoint)). Modern sense of to frustrate expectations (late… …   Etymology dictionary

  • disappoint — [v] sadden, dismay; frustrate abort, baffle, balk, bring to naught, bungle, cast down, chagrin, circumvent, come to nothing, dash, dash hopes*, deceive, delude, disconcert, disenchant, disgruntle, dishearten, disillusion, dissatisfy, dumbfound,… …   New thesaurus

  • disappoint — ► VERB 1) fail to fulfil the hopes or expectations of. 2) prevent (hopes or expectations) from being realized. DERIVATIVES disappointing adjective disappointment noun. ORIGIN originally in the sense «deprive of a position»; from Old French… …   English terms dictionary

  • disappoint — [dis΄ə point′] vt. [ME disapointen < OFr desapointer: see DIS & APPOINT] 1. to fail to satisfy the hopes or expectations of; leave unsatisfied 2. to undo or frustrate (a plan, intention, etc.); balk; thwart disappointingly adv …   English World dictionary

  • disappoint */*/ — UK [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪnt] / US verb [intransitive/transitive] Word forms disappoint : present tense I/you/we/they disappoint he/she/it disappoints present participle disappointing past tense disappointed past participle disappointed to make someone feel… …   English dictionary

  • disappoint — dis|ap|point [ˌdısəˈpɔınt] v [I and T] [Date: 1400 1500; : Old French; Origin: desapointier, from apointier to arrange ] 1.) to make someone feel unhappy because something they hoped for did not happen or was not as good as they expected ▪ I… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • disappoint — dis|ap|point [ ,dısə pɔınt ] verb intransitive or transitive ** to make someone feel unhappy because something they hoped for or expected did not happen or because someone or something was not as good as they expected: I hate to disappoint you,… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • disappoint — verb (T) 1 to make someone feel sad because something they hoped for or expected did not happen: I m sorry to disappoint you, but I can t come after all. | You disappoint me, Eric. I expected better. 2 disappoint sb s hopes/expectations to… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • disappoint — [15] Disappoint (a borrowing from French désappointer) originally meant ‘remove from a post or office, sack’ – that is, literally, ‘deprive of an appointment’; ‘A monarch … hath power … to appoint or to disappoint the greatest officers’, Thomas… …   The Hutchinson dictionary of word origins

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