dirty trick
Смотреть что такое "dirty trick" в других словарях:
dirty trick — {n. phr.} A treacherous action; an unfair act. * /That was a dirty trick John played on Mary when he ran away with her younger sister./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dirty trick — {n. phr.} A treacherous action; an unfair act. * /That was a dirty trick John played on Mary when he ran away with her younger sister./ … Dictionary of American idioms
dirty\ trick — n. phr. A treacherous action; an unfair act. That was a dirty trick John played on Mary when he ran away with her younger sister … Словарь американских идиом
dirty trick — dirty tricks N COUNT: usu pl You describe the actions of an organization or political group as dirty tricks when you think they are using illegal methods to harm the reputation or effectiveness of their rivals. He claimed he was the victim of a… … English dictionary
dirty trick — Synonyms and related words: artful dodge, artifice, bag of tricks, blind, bluff, bosey, catch, chicanery, chouse, curve, curve ball, design, device, dirty deal, dirty pool, dirty work, dodge, double dealing, duplicity, falseheartedness, fast deal … Moby Thesaurus
dirty trick — noun an unkind or aggressive trick • Hypernyms: ↑antic, ↑joke, ↑prank, ↑trick, ↑caper, ↑put on … Useful english dictionary
dirty trick — noun a) An unkind trick b) Unethical or illegal tactics used against an opponent … Wiktionary
dirty trick — contemptible or nasty prank; dishonest behavior; plan which is designed with mean intentions … English contemporary dictionary
The dirty trick (Israel) — The dirty trick (Hebrew: התרגיל המסריח, HaTargil HaMasriah, lit. the stinking trick) refers to a political scandal that erupted in Israel in 1990. It consisted of an attempt by Shimon Peres to form a narrow government made up of the left wing… … Wikipedia
(a) dirty trick — a dishonest action. He resigned after allegations of dirty tricks during the election campaign. Telling her you needed the money for a friend was a dirty trick … New idioms dictionary
Dirty tricks — are unethical, duplicitous, slanderous or illegal tactics employed to destroy or diminish the effectiveness of political or business opponents. The term dirty trick can also be used to refer to an underhanded technique to get ahead of an opponent … Wikipedia