directory listing
Смотреть что такое "directory listing" в других словарях:
directory — [də rek′tə rē; ] also [ dīrek′tə rē] adj. [LL directorius] directing, guiding, or advising n. pl. directories [ML directorium < LL directorius] 1. a book of directions, as for church service 2. a book listing the names, addresses, etc. of a… … English World dictionary
directory — (n.) 1540s, guide, book of rules, from M.L. directorium, noun use of neut. of L. directorius, from directus (see DIRECT (Cf. direct) (v.)). Meaning alphabetical listing of inhabitants of a region is from 1732; listing of telephone numbers is from … Etymology dictionary
directory — ► NOUN (pl. directories) ▪ a book listing individuals or organizations with details such as addresses and telephone numbers … English terms dictionary
listing — [lis′tiŋ] n. 1. the act of making a list 2. an entry in a list, as in a directory, a real estate broker s record of property for sale, etc. 3. a list … English World dictionary
Directory assistance — In telecommunications, directory assistance or directory enquiries is a phone service used to find out a specific telephone number and/or address of a residence, business, or government entity. Contents 1 Technology 2 North America 2.1 Rate… … Wikipedia
Directory (databases) — This article deals with the term directory with respect to a computer database. The term also commonly refers to a folder in a computer file system. Generally, a directory, as used in computing and telephony, refers to a repository or database of … Wikipedia
Directory — For Wikipedia’s directories, see Wikipedia:Directory. Directory may refer to: Directory (file systems), or folder, a file system structure in which to store computer files Directory (databases), stored information about a database Directory… … Wikipedia
directory — /di rek teuh ree, tree, duy /, n., pl. directories, adj. n. 1. a book containing an alphabetical index of the names and addresses of persons in a city, district, organization, etc., or of a particular category of people. 2. a board or tablet on a … Universalium
directory services — A listing of all users and resources on a network, designed to help clients locate network users and services. Some examples are the OSI s X.500, Novell Directory Services (NDS), Microsoft s Active Directory, and Banyan s StreetTalk. See… … Dictionary of networking
directory — noun (plural directories) 1》 a book listing individuals or organizations alphabetically or thematically with details such as addresses and telephone numbers. ↘a board in an organization or large store listing names and locations of… … English new terms dictionary
directory — di•rec•to•ry [[t]dɪˈrɛk tə ri, tri, daɪ [/t]] n. pl. ries, adj. 1) a book containing an alphabetical index of the names and addresses of persons in an area, organization, etc., or of a category of people 2) a board or tablet on a wall of a… … From formal English to slang