Смотреть что такое "directors" в других словарях:
Directors UK — is the professional association for British film and television directors, with over 4,000 members. Previously the Directors and Producers Society (DPRS) until 2008, the organisation now functions as both a collecting society and a campaigning… … Wikipedia
directors — index authorities, hierarchy (persons in authority), management (directorate), management (supervision) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
directors — Contemporary directors reflect the multiplicity of approaches to making theatre that have informed the development of postwar theatre. Although they are accorded the status of the most powerful people in theatre, they are increasingly… … Encyclopedia of contemporary British culture
directors — Agents and executive representatives of a corporation, who, acting as a board or unit, manage the business of the corporation, constituting, as it has been said, the mind and soul of the corporation, acting according to their best judgment, and… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Directors' duties — are a series of statutory, common law and equitable obligations owed primarily by members of the board of directors to the corporation that employs them. It is a central part of corporate law and corporate governance. Directors duties are… … Wikipedia
Directors and officers liability insurance — (often called D O) is liability insurance payable to the directors and officers of a company, or to the organization(s) itself, to cover damages or defense costs in the event they suffer such losses as a result of a lawsuit for alleged wrongful… … Wikipedia
Directors' duties in the United Kingdom — bind anybody who is formally appointed to the board of directors of a UK company. Contents 1 Scope 2 Duty to act for proper purposes 3 Duty of care 4 … Wikipedia
Directors Guild Of America — Pour les articles homonymes, voir DGA. Logo de Directors Guild of America Création … Wikipédia en Français
Directors Guild of América — Directors Guild of America Pour les articles homonymes, voir DGA. Logo de Directors Guild of America Création … Wikipédia en Français
Directors guild of america — Pour les articles homonymes, voir DGA. Logo de Directors Guild of America Création … Wikipédia en Français
directors' and officers' insurance — (directors and officers insurance), Also known as directors and officers liability insurance and D&O insurance. An insurance policy usually taken out by a company on behalf of its directors and officers to cover liabilities arising from their… … Law dictionary