- directly interpretable language
- прямоинтерпретируемый язык
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
language, philosophy of — Philosophical study of the nature and use of natural languages and the relations between language, language users, and the world. It encompasses the philosophical study of linguistic meaning (see semantics), the philosophical study of language… … Universalium
EXPRESS (data modeling language) — EXPRESS is a standard data modelling language for product data. EXPRESS is formalized in the ISO Standard for the Exchange of Product model STEP (ISO 10303), and standardized as ISO 10303 11. Overview Data models formally define data objects and… … Wikipedia
Urmuz — Demetru Dem. Demetrescu Buzău Urmuz, circa 1920, photographer unknown Born March 17, 1883 Curtea de Argeş Died November 23, 1923(1923 11 23 … Wikipedia
Symbol grounding — The Symbol Grounding Problem is related to the problem of how words (symbols) get their meanings, and hence to the problem of what meaning itself really is. The problem of meaning is in turn related to the problem of consciousness, or how it is… … Wikipedia
Transformational grammar — In linguistics, a transformational grammar, or transformational generative grammar (TGG), is a generative grammar, especially of a natural language, that has been developed in a Chomskyan tradition. Additionally, transformational grammar is the… … Wikipedia
KABBALAH — This entry is arranged according to the following outline: introduction general notes terms used for kabbalah the historical development of the kabbalah the early beginnings of mysticism and esotericism apocalyptic esotericism and merkabah… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
anthropology — anthropological /an threuh peuh loj i keuhl/, anthropologic, adj. anthropologically, adv. /an threuh pol euh jee/, n. 1. the science that deals with the origins, physical and cultural development, biological characteristics, and social customs… … Universalium
Analytica — is a visual software package developed by [http://www.lumina.com Lumina Decision Systems, Inc.] for creating, analyzing and communicating quantitative decision models. Analytica includes hierarchical influence diagrams for visual creation and… … Wikipedia
Freud, Sigmund — born May 6, 1856, Freiberg, Moravia, Austrian Empire died Sept. 23, 1939, London, Eng. Austrian neuropsychologist, founder of psychoanalysis, and one of the major intellectual figures of the 20th century. Trained in Vienna as a neurologist, Freud … Universalium
OpenDocument technical specification — OpenDocument Format OpenDocument standardization OpenDocument technical specification OpenFormula OpenDocument adoption OpenDocument software Comparison of OpenDocument software This document describes the technical specifications of the… … Wikipedia
Cognitive science — Figure illustrating the fields that contributed to the birth of cognitive science, including linguistics, education, neuroscience, artificial Intelligence, philosophy, anthropology, and psychology. Adapted from Miller, George A (2003). The… … Wikipedia