directional line
Смотреть что такое "directional line" в других словарях:
directional line — kryptinė tiesė statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. directional line vok. orientierte Gerade, f; Richtungsgerade, f rus. направленная прямая, f; направленная прямая линия, f pranc. droite dirigée, f; droite orientée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Directional statistics — is the subdiscipline of statistics that deals with directions (unit vectors in Rn), axes (lines through the origin in Rn) or rotations in Rn. More generally, directional statistics deals with observations on compact Riemannian manifolds. The… … Wikipedia
Directional figure eight — Names Directional figure eight, Inline Figure Eight Loop Category Loop ABoK #1058 The Directional Figure Eight (aka Inline Figure Eight Loop) is a loop knot. It is a knot that can be made on the bight. The loop must only be loaded in the correct… … Wikipedia
directional tire — Directional designs are recognized by the grooves in the tread that swipe away in a backward angle from the center of the tread face and rotate in only one direction. A direction of rotation arrow is located on both sidewalls of the tire.… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Directional boring — A small directional boring unit in action Directional boring, commonly called horizontal directional drilling or HDD, is a steerable trenchless method of installing underground pipes, conduits and cables in a shallow arc along a prescribed bore… … Wikipedia
Line array — The term line array means a speaker system that is made up of a varying number of vertically arranged units which give the effect of a single sound source with the same dimensions as the total of the unit of which is made up, the performance of… … Wikipedia
Directional well — Depiction of a directional well. Line (a) is an imaginary line representing the True vertical depth, while line (b) is the borehole itself, and its length is called the measured depth A directional well, as it is known in the oil industry, is an… … Wikipedia
Directional array — In broadcast engineering, directional array refers to an antenna array arranged such that the superposition of the electromagnetic waves produce a predictable electromagnetic field. By spacing 2 or more antenna elements apart, changing the length … Wikipedia
Line marker — In cave (and occasionally wreck) diving, line markers are used for orientation. Directional markers (commonly arrows) point the way to an exit (although no permanent guideline must exist); non directional markers ( cookies ) are purely personal… … Wikipedia
directional stability — Ability of a vehicle to move forward in a straight line with a minimum of driver control. A vehicle with good directional stability will not be unduly affected by side wind, road irregularities, etc … Dictionary of automotive terms
directional derivative — Math. the limit, as a function of several variables moving along a given line from one specified point to another on the line, of the difference in the functional values at the two points divided by the distance between the points. * * * … Universalium