directed angle

directed angle
мат. направленный угол (положительный или отрицательный)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Игры ⚽ Поможем написать курсовую

Смотреть что такое "directed angle" в других словарях:

  • directed — [də rek′tid; ] also [ dīrek′tid] adj. indicated either as being positive or negative, as a number or angle, or as having an assigned direction, as a segment or vector …   English World dictionary

  • Directed infinity — A directed infinity is a type of infinity in the complex plane that has a defined angle θ but an infinite absolute value r.[1] For example, the limit of 1/x where x is a positive number approaching zero is a directed infinity with angle 0;… …   Wikipedia

  • Directed-energy weapon — This article is about practical experiments with energy weapons. For fictional uses, see raygun. Humvee with Active Denial System mounted A directed energy weapon (DEW) emits energy in an aimed direction without the means of a projectile. It… …   Wikipedia

  • Angle (rib) — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = angulus costae GraySubject = 28 GrayPage = 124 Caption = A central rib of the left side. Inferior aspect. (Angle labeled at center top.) Caption2 = Precursor = System = Artery = Vein = Nerve = Lymph =… …   Wikipedia

  • angle — The meeting point of two lines or planes; the figure formed by the junction of two lines or planes; the space bounded on two sides by lines or planes that meet. For angles not listed below, see the descriptive term; e.g., axioincisal, distobuccal …   Medical dictionary

  • angle — 1) the bony protuberance posterior to the jaw gape where the angular, articular and quadrate bones join. Ventrally directed and especially prominent in some larval fishes 2) old word for a hook. Hence to angle, angler 3) to fish with a hook, rod… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

  • Low-angle shot — In cinematography, a low angle shot, is a shot from a camera positioned low on the vertical axis, often at knee height, looking up. This technique is sometimes used in scenes of confrontation to illustrate which character holds the higher… …   Wikipedia

  • Kurt Angle — Angle at a WWE Q A in August 2005. Ring name(s) Kurt Angle Height 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m) …   Wikipedia

  • Supercritical angle fluorescence microscopy — (SAF) is a technique to detect and characterize fluorescent species (proteins, biomolecules, pharmaceuticals, etc.) and their behaviour very close or even adsorbed or linked at surfaces. The method is able to observe molecules in a distance of… …   Wikipedia

  • Axis angle — The axis angle representation of a rotation, also known as the exponential coordinates of a rotation, parameterizes a rotation by two values: a unit vector indicating the direction of a directed axis (straight line), and an angle describing the… …   Wikipedia

  • Small-angle neutron scattering — (SANS) is a laboratory technique, similar to the often complementary techniques of small angle X ray scattering (SAXS) and light scattering. These are particularly useful because of the dramatic increase in forward scattering that occurs at phase …   Wikipedia

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