direct opposite

direct opposite
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "direct opposite" в других словарях:

  • direct opposite — index antipode, antithesis, contradiction Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • direct — [də rekt′; ] also [ dīrekt′] adj. [ME < L directus, pp. of dirigere, to lay straight, direct < di , apart, from + regere, to keep straight, rule: see REGAL] 1. by the shortest way, without turning or stopping; not roundabout; not… …   English World dictionary

  • opposite — I adj. (BE) opposite to USAGE NOTE: When opposite means facing , it can be an adjective in BE her house is opposite to ours. More usu., opposite is used as a preposition in both BE and AE her house is opposite ours. When opposite means… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • opposite — I (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Radically different] Syn. contrary, antithetical, antithetic, reverse, inverse, converse, diametric, diametrical, antonymous, contrasting, contradictory, counter, conflicting, opposed, opposing, polar, poles apart,… …   English dictionary for students

  • direct — di|rect1 [ dı rekt, daı rekt ] adjective *** ▸ 1 not involving others ▸ 2 going straight to place ▸ 3 clear and honest ▸ 4 exact ▸ 5 with full force ▸ 6 related through parents 1. ) usually before noun involving only the two people or things… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • direct — I UK [dɪˈrekt] / US / UK [daɪˈrekt] / US adjective *** 1) going straight to a place and not stopping or changing direction on the way there direct flights from Scotland to North America There is a more direct route straight up the motorway. The… …   English dictionary

  • direct — adj., adv., & v. adj. 1 extending or moving in a straight line or by the shortest route; not crooked or circuitous. 2 a straightforward; going straight to the point. b frank; not ambiguous. 3 without intermediaries or the intervention of other… …   Useful english dictionary

  • direct — directable, adj. directness, n. /di rekt , duy /, v.t. 1. to manage or guide by advice, helpful information, instruction, etc.: He directed the company through a difficult time. 2. to regulate the course of; control: History is directed by a… …   Universalium

  • direct — di•rect [[t]dɪˈrɛkt, daɪ [/t]] v. t. 1) to manage or guide by advice, instruction, etc 2) to regulate the course of; control 3) to administer; manage; supervise: She directs the affairs of the estate[/ex] 4) to give authoritative instructions to; …   From formal English to slang

  • direct — 1. adjective 1) the most direct route Syn: straight, undeviating, unswerving; shortest, quickest 2) a direct flight Syn: nonstop, unbroken, uninterrupted, through 3) he is very direct …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • direct — di·rect 1 vt 1: to order with authority the testator direct ed that the car go to his niece 2: to order entry of (a verdict) without jury consideration the court direct ed a verdict in favor of the defendant 3: to act …   Law dictionary

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