- direct congruent
- мат. конгруэнтный с сохранением направления обхода
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Context-dependent memory — refers to improved recall of specific episodes or information when the context present at encoding and retrieval are the same. One particularly common example of context dependence at work occurs when an individual has lost an item (e.g. lost car … Wikipedia
ECONOMIC HISTORY — This article is arranged according to the following outline: first temple period exile and restoration second temple period talmudic era muslim middle ages medieval christendom economic doctrines early modern period sephardim and ashkenazim… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
History of Calvinist-Arminian debate — Ever since Augustine of Hippo s battle with the Pelagians in the fifth century, there has been dispute, particularly in the western Church, about theological cornerstones of soteriology including depravity, predestination, and atonement. The… … Wikipedia
Chinese remainder theorem — The Chinese remainder theorem is a result about congruences in number theory and its generalizations in abstract algebra. In its most basic form it concerned with determining n, given the remainders generated by division of n by several numbers.… … Wikipedia
Euclidean geometry — A Greek mathematician performing a geometric construction with a compass, from The School of Athens by Raphael. Euclidean geometry is a mathematical system attributed to the Alexandrian Greek mathematician Euclid, which he described in his… … Wikipedia
Locke’s political theory — Ian Harris The author of Two Treatises of Government also wrote An Essay concerning Human Understanding. This is an elementary fact, but one with an important implication for understanding Locke’s political theory. For Two Treatises is an… … History of philosophy
hydrosphere — /huy dreuh sfear /, n. the water on or surrounding the surface of the globe, including the water of the oceans and the water in the atmosphere. [1885 90; HYDRO 1 + SPHERE] * * * Discontinuous layer of water at or near the Earth s surface. It… … Universalium
Group (mathematics) — This article covers basic notions. For advanced topics, see Group theory. The possible manipulations of this Rubik s Cube form a group. In mathematics, a group is an algebraic structure consisting of a set together with an operation that combines … Wikipedia
Shroud of Turin — The Shroud of Turin: modern photo of the face, positive left, negative right. Negative has been contrast enhanced. The Shroud of T … Wikipedia
rite of passage — 1. Anthropol. a ceremony performed to facilitate or mark a person s change of status upon any of several highly important occasions, as at the onset of puberty or upon entry into marriage or into a clan. 2. any important act or event that serves… … Universalium
NAḤMANIDES — (Moses b. Naḥman, also known as Naḥamani and RaMBaN – an acronym of Rabbi Moses Ben Naḥman; 1194–1270), Spanish rabbi and scholar and one of the leading authors of talmudic literature in the Middle Ages; philosopher, kabbalist, biblical exegete,… … Encyclopedia of Judaism