
ˈdɪptɪk сущ.
1) любой предмет, представляющий собой две складывающиеся створки;
особ. ист. диптих (две вощеные дощечки для письма, соединенные петлями)
2) диптих, складная икона, двустворчатый складень;
картина (любая) , состоящая из двух частей диптих (дощечки для письма у древних греков) (церковное) диптих, двустворчатый складень (искусство) диптих diptych церк. диптих;
двустворчатый складень ~ ист. диптих (вощеные дощечки для письма)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "diptych" в других словарях:

  • Diptych — • A sort of notebook, formed by the union of two tablets, placed one upon the other and united by rings or by a hinge Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Diptych     Diptych      …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Diptych — Dip tych, n. [L. diptycha, pl., fr. Gr. ? folded, doubled; di = di s twice + ? to fold, double up.] 1. Anything consisting of two leaves. Especially: (a) (Roman Antiq.) A writing tablet consisting of two leaves of rigid material connected by… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • diptych — англ. [ди/птик] Diptychon нем. [ди/птихон] diptyque фр. [дипти/к] ди^птих, муз. цикл из 2 пьес …   Словарь иностранных музыкальных терминов

  • diptych — 1620s, from L. diptycha (pl.), from late Gk. diptykha, neuter plural of diptykhos double folded, doubled, from dis two + ptykhe fold …   Etymology dictionary

  • diptych — ► NOUN ▪ a painting on two hinged wooden panels, typically forming an altarpiece. ORIGIN Greek diptukha pair of writing tablets , from diptukhos folded in two …   English terms dictionary

  • diptych — [dip′tik΄] n. [LL diptycha, writing tablet of two leaves < Gr, neut. pl. of diptychos, folded < di , twice + ptychē, a fold < ptyssein, to fold] 1. an ancient writing tablet made up of a hinged pair of wooden or ivory pieces folding to… …   English World dictionary

  • Diptych — Ivory consular diptych of Areobindus, Byzantium, 506 AD, Louvre …   Wikipedia

  • Diptych —    Two tablets, usually of wood or ivory, joined by hinges. Consular diptychs (examples survive from 428 541) were presented to senators, friends, and relatives by each of the annual consuls (q.v.) to commemorate their year in office. Each… …   Historical dictionary of Byzantium

  • diptych — UK [ˈdɪptɪk] / US noun [countable] Word forms diptych : singular diptych plural diptychs art a painting done on two separate pieces of wood that are joined to each other …   English dictionary

  • diptych — noun Etymology: Late Latin diptycha, plural, from Greek, from neuter plural of diptychos folded in two, from di + ptychē fold Date: 1622 1. a 2 leaved hinged tablet folding together to protect writing on its waxed surfaces 2. a picture or series… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • diptych — /dip tik/, n. 1. a hinged two leaved tablet used in ancient times for writing on with a stylus. 2. Usually, diptychs. a. a similar tablet of wood or metal containing on one leaf the names of those among the living, and on the other those among… …   Universalium

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