Смотреть что такое "diplostemonous" в других словарях:
Diplostemonous — Dip lo*stem o*nous, a. [Gr. ? double + ? the warp, a thread.] (Bot.) Having twice as many stamens as petals, as the geranium. R. Brown. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diplostemonous — diplostemony, n. /dip leuh stee meuh neuhs, stem euh /, adj. Bot. having two whorls of stamens, with the outer whorl opposite the sepals and the inner whorl opposite the petals. [1865 70; DIPLO + Gk stémon (s. of stémôn) the warp (see STAMEN) +… … Universalium
diplostemonous — dip·lo·ste·mo·nous … English syllables
diplostemonous — /ˌdɪploʊˈstimənəs/ (say .diploh steemuhnuhs), / ˈstɛmə / (say stemuh ) adjective having two series of stamens, or twice as many stamens as petals. {diplo + Greek stēma stamen + ous} …
diplostemonous — |diplō|stēmənəs, tem adjective Etymology: probably from (assumed) New Latin diplostemonus, from New Latin dipl + (assumed) New Latin stemonus stemonous : having the stamens in two whorls each of which has the same number as the petals and usually … Useful english dictionary
Diplostemony — Dip lo*stem o*ny, n. (Bot.) The condition of being diplostemonous. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Obdiplostemonous — Ob*dip lo*stem o*nous, a. [Pref. ob + diplostemonous.] (Bot.) Having twice as many stamens as petals, those of the outer set being opposite the petals; said of flowers. Gray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
ob — ob; OB; ob·am·bu·late; ob·ben·ite; ob·clavate; ob·clude; ob·compressed; ob·conic; ob·cordate; ob·cuneate; ob·deltoid; ob·diplostemonous; ob·duce; ob·du·ra·cy; ob·e·lis·cal; ob·e·lis·coid; ob·e·lism; ob·e·lize; ob·e·lus; ob·fusc; ob·fus·ca·ble;… … English syllables
obdiplostemonous — ob·diplostemonous … English syllables
-stemonous — |stēmənəs, tem adjective combining form Etymology: from (assumed) New Latin stemonus, from Greek stēmōn warp, thread more at stamen : having (such or so many) stamens diplostemonous isostemonous … Useful english dictionary