
обеденный стол

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dinner-table" в других словарях:

  • dinner table — dinner .table n the dinner table a) an occasion when people are eating dinner together ▪ It wasn t a very suitable conversation for the dinner table. b) the table at which people eat dinner →↑dining table …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dinner table — dinner tables also dinner table N COUNT: usu sing, usu the/poss N You can refer to a table as the dinner table when it is being used for dinner. [BRIT] Sam was left at the dinner table with Peg …   English dictionary

  • dinner table — dinner ,table noun 1. ) count a table at which people eat their DINNER 2. ) singular a time when people are sitting at a table eating their dinner together, usually in the evening: No politics at the dinner table, please …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dinner table — noun the dining table where dinner is served and eaten • Hypernyms: ↑dining table, ↑board • Part Meronyms: ↑leaf * * * ˈdinner table f91 [dinner table dinner tables] …   Useful english dictionary

  • dinner table — UK / US noun Word forms dinner table : singular dinner table plural dinner tables 1) [singular] a time when people are sitting at a table eating their dinner together No politics at the dinner table, please. 2) [countable] a table at which people …   English dictionary

  • dinner table — noun the dinner table a) an occasion when people are eating dinner together: That s not a very pleasant topic for the dinner table. b) the table at which people eat dinner compare dining table …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dinner-table — see dinner table …   English dictionary

  • dinner table test — n. A symbolic test used to decide whether a topic is generally acceptable to one s peers, or is suitable for polite conversation, such as at the dinner table. Example Citations: Stirring a potentially explosive debate over faith and politics, the …   New words

  • dinner table — noun A table on which dinner (or other food) is served and eaten …   Wiktionary

  • dinner table. — See dining table. [1800 10] * * * …   Universalium

  • dinner table — /ˈdɪnə teɪbəl/ (say dinuh taybuhl) noun → dining table …  

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