dinner-service, dinner-set

dinner-service, dinner-set
обеденный сервиз

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dinner-service, dinner-set" в других словарях:

  • dinner set — noun a table service for serving dinner • Syn: ↑dinner service • Hypernyms: ↑service, ↑table service * * * dinner service or dinner set noun A complete set of plates and dishes for a company at dinner • • • M …   Useful english dictionary

  • dinner set — /ˈdɪnə sɛt/ (say dinuh set) noun a set of matching china or pottery items, such as plates, bowls, cups and saucers, etc., for use in serving meals at the table. Also, dinner service …  

  • dinner service — dinner .service also dinner set n a complete set of plates, dishes etc, used for serving a meal …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dinner service — noun a table service for serving dinner • Syn: ↑dinner set • Hypernyms: ↑service, ↑table service * * * ˈdinner service [dinner service dinner services] …   Useful english dictionary

  • service — 1 noun FOR THE PUBLIC 1 public services (countable often plural) things such as education, hospitals, banks etc that are provided for the public to use: the decline in public services in recent times | the welfare/medical/social etc service… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dinner — n. 1 the main meal of the day, taken either at midday or in the evening. 2 a formal evening meal, often in honour of a person or event. Phrases and idioms: dinner dance a formal dinner followed by dancing. dinner jacket a man s short usu. black… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dinner service — also dinner set noun (C) a complete set of plates, dishes etc, used for serving a meal …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dinner service — /ˈdɪnə sɜvəs/ (say dinuh servuhs) noun → dinner set …  

  • Dinner theater — (sometimes called dinner and a show) is a form of entertainment that combines a restaurant meal with a staged play or musical. Sometimes the play is incidental entertainment, secondary to the meal, in the style of a sophisticated night club, or… …   Wikipedia

  • dinner service — dinner services N COUNT A dinner service is a set of plates and dishes from which meals are eaten and served. It may also include cups and saucers. [BRIT] (in AM, use dinnerware set) …   English dictionary

  • dinner service — dinner ,service noun count a set of plates and dishes of the same type used for serving a meal …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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