
ˈdɪŋkɪ прил.;
разг. привлекательный;
изящный, нарядный, притягательный Syn : attractive, winning (разговорное) нарядный, изящный;
привлекательный - a * little hat изящная шляпка (разговорное) миниатюрный (американизм) (сленг) дрянной dinky разг. привлекательный;
нарядный, изящный

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dinky" в других словарях:

  • Dinky — may refer to: Dinky Duck, a toon by Terrytoons Dinky Toys, a brand of die cast toy vehicles Dinky Bingham, a musician and music producer DINKY, Double Income No Kids Yet, refers to people that are in relationship/married but have no children and… …   Wikipedia

  • dinky — adj. 1. small and insignificant; shabby or unimpressive; as, he drove to work in a dinky old Volkswagen; we stayed in a dinky little hotel. [informal] [WordNet 1.5] 2. pretty and neat; fashionable or well dressed; as, what a dinky little hat.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Dinky Di's — was an early 1990s animated cartoon with anthropomorphic animal heroes who fought to prevent environmental damage and rescue endangered animal and bird species from the satanic Mr. Mephisto. It was produced in Australia by Roo and created by Mel… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinky — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Dinky, dink o también dinki es un término acuñado en los años 1980 proveniente de las siglas inglesas double income; no kids yet (sueldo doble sin hijos). Se refiere a un hecho social relativamente reciente en el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • DINKY — is an acronym and can stand for any of the following: Dual (or double) income, no kids. Dual (or double) income, no kids yet. Dual (or double) income, no kids yuppie. DINKY is occasionally used (in the UK, Canada, India, and China) to describe a… …   Wikipedia

  • Dinky — Dinky, o también dinki es una palabra proveniente de las siglas inglesas double income; no kids yet (sueldo doble sin hijos) …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • dinky — 1788 neat, trim, dainty, small, from Scottish dialectal dink finely dressed, trim (c.1500), of unknown origin. Modern sense is 1850s …   Etymology dictionary

  • dinky — [adj] tiny, small bush league*, dainty, insignificant, lesser, Lilliputian, mini, miniature, minor, minor league*, neat, petite, secondary, second rate*, small fry*, small time*, trim; concept 789 Ant. big, huge, large …   New thesaurus

  • dinky — ► ADJECTIVE (dinkier, dinkiest) Brit. informal ▪ attractively small and neat. ORIGIN from Scots and northern English dialect dink «neat, trim» …   English terms dictionary

  • dinky — ☆ dinky [diŋ′kē] adj. dinkier, dinkiest [< Scot dink, finely dressed, trim] Informal small and unimportant; of no consequence n. pl. dinkies DINKEY …   English World dictionary

  • Dinky® — /dingˈki/ noun Any of a range of small toy model vehicles (also adjective) …   Useful english dictionary

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