dimensional theory

dimensional theory
теория размерностей

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dimensional theory" в других словарях:

  • Dimensional analysis — In physics and all science, dimensional analysis is a tool to find or check relations among physical quantities by using their dimensions. The dimension of a physical quantity is the combination of the basic physical dimensions (usually mass,… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of everything — A theory of everything (TOE) is a putative theory of theoretical physics that fully explains and links together all known physical phenomena. Initially, the term was used with an ironic connotation to refer to various overgeneralized theories.… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of relativity — This article is about the scientific concept. For philosophical or sociological theories about relativity, see Relativism. For the silent film, see The Einstein Theory of Relativity. Two dimensional projection of a three dimensional analogy of… …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional regularization — Renormalization and regularization Renormalization Renormalization …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional operator — In mathematics, specifically set theory, a dimensional operator on a set E is a function from the subsets of E to the subsets of E. Definition If the power set of E is denoted P(E) then a dimensional operator on E is a map that satisfies the… …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional deconstruction — In theoretical physics, dimensional deconstruction is a method to construct d dimensional theories that behave as higher dimensional theories in a certain range of energies. The resulting theory is a gauge theory whose gauge group is a direct… …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional transmutation — In particle physics, dimensional transmutation is a physical mechanism that transforms a dimensionless parameter into a dimensionful parameter. In classical field theory such as gauge theory in four dimensional spacetime, the coupling constant is …   Wikipedia

  • Dimensional reduction — This article is on dimensional reduction in physics. For the statistics concept, see Dimensionality reduction. In physics, a theory in D spacetime dimensions can be redefined in a lower number of dimensions d, by taking all the fields to be… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of multiple intelligences — Human intelligence Abilities and Traits Abstract thought Communication · Creativity Emotional Intelligence Kn …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of relations — This article is about the theory of relations with regard to its specifically combinatorial aspects. For a general discussion of the basic definitions, see Binary relation and Finitary relation. The theory of relations treats the subject matter… …   Wikipedia

  • Theory of tides — The theory of tides is the application of continuum mechanics to interpret and predict the tidal deformations of planetary and satellite bodies and their atmospheres and oceans, under the gravitational loading of another astronomical body or… …   Wikipedia

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