dillseed oil
Смотреть что такое "dillseed oil" в других словарях:
dillseed oil — dill·seed oil dil .sēd n DILL OIL (a) … Medical dictionary
dillseed oil — noun see dill oil … Useful english dictionary
dill oil — noun : either of two essential oils derived from the common dill: a. or dillseed oil : a colorless or pale yellow oil having a sweetish acrid taste that is obtained from the dried ripe fruits of the dill and is used as an aromatic carminative and … Useful english dictionary
condiment — Synonyms and related words: Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, allspice, anchovies, angelica, applesauce, basil, bell pepper, black pepper, borage, burnet, caper, capsicum, caraway seeds, cardamom, catsup, celery salt, chervil, chili, chili sauce,… … Moby Thesaurus
pepper — Synonyms and related words: Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, aggressiveness, aim at, allspice, anchovies, angelica, applesauce, band, bang, bar, barrage, basil, bell pepper, bespangle, bespeckle, bespot, besprinkle, black pepper, blast, blaze,… … Moby Thesaurus
salt — Synonyms and related words: AB, Ancient Mariner, Argonaut, Attic, Atticism, Dylan, Flying Dutchman, Neptune, OD, Poseidon, Tabasco, Varuna, Worcestershire sauce, able seaman, able bodied seaman, accumulate, adulterate, aftertaste, agile wit,… … Moby Thesaurus
spice — Synonyms and related words: Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce, allspice, anchovies, angelica, applesauce, aroma, balm, balminess, basil, bell pepper, bite, black pepper, borage, bouquet, briskness, burnet, caper, capsicum, caraway seeds, cardamom,… … Moby Thesaurus