
ˈdɪlətərɪ прил.
1) медлящий, выжидательный, оттягивающий (время) dilatory tactics ≈ выжидательная тактика
2) медленный, неторопливый, тихий;
нерасторопный (о человеке) Syn : slow, sluggish
3) запоздалый, поздний She is always dilatory in answering letters. ≈ Она всегда долго не отвечает на письма. Syn : tardy оттягивающий, отсрочивающий - * policy политика оттяжек /выжидания/ - * motion (парламентское) проект или поправка, внесенные с целью затормозить прохождение законопроекта или помешать принятию решения - * methods обструкционистские методы, методы проволочек - * plea (юридическое) отлагательное возражение (не по существу иска) (книжное) медленный, медлительный;
нерасторопный (о человеке) - * movements медлительные движения - * servant нерасторопный слуга dilatory запоздалый ~ медленный ~ медлительный;
оттягивающий (время) ~ оттягивающий, отсрочивающий

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dilatory" в других словарях:

  • dilatory — I adjective after time, behind time, belated, deferring, delayed, delaying, deliberately slow, eleventh hour, inclined to delay, indolent, intended to bring about delay, intended to defer decision, intended to gain time, lackadaisical, last… …   Law dictionary

  • Dilatory — Dil a*to*ry, a. [L. dilatorius, fr. dilator a delayer, fr. dilatus, used as p. p. of differe to defer, delay: cf. F. dilatoire. See {Dilate}, {Differ}, {Defer}.] 1. Inclined to defer or put off what ought to be done at once; given the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dilatory — [dil′ə tôr΄ē] adj. [ME dilatorie < LL dilatorius < L dilator, dilatory person < dilatus, pp. of differre, DEFER1] 1. causing or tending to cause delay; meant to gain time, defer action, etc. 2. inclined to delay; slow or late in doing… …   English World dictionary

  • dilatory — late 15c., from L.L. dilatorius, from dilator procrastinator, from dilatus, serving as pp. of differe delay (see DEFER (Cf. defer)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • dilatory — *slow, laggard, deliberate, leisurely Analogous words: procrastinating, delaying, dawdling (see DELAY): *negligent, neglectful, lax, slack, remiss Antonyms: diligent Contrasted words: *busy, assiduous, sedulous, industrious: *quick, prompt, ready …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dilatory — meaning ‘given to or causing delay’, is pronounced dil tǝ ri. The same stress pattern applies, rather more awkwardly, to the derivative forms dilatorily and dilatoriness …   Modern English usage

  • dilatory — [adj] procrastinating backward, behindhand, dallying, delaying, deliberate, laggard, late, lax, lazy, leisurely, lingering, loitering, moratory, neglectful, negligent, putting off, remiss, slack, slow, sluggish, snail like*, tardy, tarrying, time …   New thesaurus

  • dilatory — ► ADJECTIVE 1) slow to act. 2) intended to cause delay. DERIVATIVES dilatoriness noun. ORIGIN Latin dilatorius, from dilator delayer …   English terms dictionary

  • dilatory — adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French dilatorie, Late Latin dilatorius, from Latin differre (past participle dilatus) to postpone, differ more at differ, tolerate Date: 15th century 1. tending or intended to cause delay < dilator …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • dilatory — [[t]dɪ̱lətri, AM tɔːri[/t]] ADJ GRADED Someone or something that is dilatory is slow and causes delay. [FORMAL] You might expect politicians to smooth things out when civil servants are being dilatory …   English dictionary

  • dilatory — adjective 1) he had been dilatory in appointing an executor Syn: slow, tardy, unhurried, sluggish, sluggardly, snaillike, lazy Ant: fast, prompt 2) dilatory procedural tactics Syn …   Thesaurus of popular words

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