digital voltmeter
Смотреть что такое "digital voltmeter" в других словарях:
digital voltmeter — skaitmeninis voltmetras statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. digital voltmeter vok. Digitalvoltmeter, n rus. цифровой вольтметр, m pranc. voltmètre digital, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
digital voltmeter — skaitmeninis voltmetras statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Voltmetras, kuriame matuojamoji įtampa pakeičiama į tam tikrą kodą, o gautąjį skaitmeninį matuojamosios įtampos ekvivalentą rodo skaitmenų vaizduoklis.… … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
digital voltmeter — noun an electronic voltmeter that gives readings in digits • Hypernyms: ↑electronic voltmeter • Part Meronyms: ↑digital display, ↑alphanumeric display … Useful english dictionary
Voltmeter — Demonstration voltmeter from a physics class A voltmeter is an instrument used for measuring electrical potential difference between two points in an electric circuit. Analog voltmeters move a pointer across a scale in proportion to the voltage… … Wikipedia
digital — adjective Etymology: Latin digitalis Date: circa 1656 1. of or relating to the fingers or toes < digital dexterity > 2. done with a finger < a digital rectal examination > 3. of, relating to, or using calculation by numerical methods or by… … New Collegiate Dictionary
digital display — noun a display that gives the information in the form of characters (numbers or letters) • Syn: ↑alphanumeric display • Hypernyms: ↑display, ↑video display • Hyponyms: ↑liquid crystal display, ↑LCD … Useful english dictionary
voltmeter — /vohlt mee teuhr/, n. Elect. a calibrated instrument for measuring the potential difference between two points. [1880 85; VOLT1 + METER] * * * ▪ measurement instrument that measures voltages of either direct or alternating electric current… … Universalium
Voltmeter — Ein Spannungsmessgerät (auch als Spannungsmesser oder überholt als Voltmeter bezeichnet) dient zur Messung elektrischer Spannungen. Der Begriff Voltmeter ist seit Langem in der Normung ersetzt worden und sollte nicht mehr verwendet werden, da mit … Deutsch Wikipedia
Digital storage oscilloscope — A Tektronix TDS210 digital oscilloscope A digital storage oscilloscope is an oscilloscope which stores and analyses the signal digitally rather than using analogue techniques. It is now the most common type of oscilloscope in use because of the… … Wikipedia
Solenoid voltmeter — A solenoid voltmeter is a specific type of voltmeter used by electricians in the testing of electrical power circuits. Wiggy is the registered trademark for a common solenoid voltmeter used in North America and manufactured by Square D, derived… … Wikipedia
electronic voltmeter — noun a voltmeter whose sensitivity is increased by amplification • Hypernyms: ↑voltmeter • Hyponyms: ↑digital voltmeter … Useful english dictionary