digital variable

digital variable
переменная в цифровой форме;
дискретная переменная

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "digital variable" в других словарях:

  • Digital scroll compressor technology — improves the performance of a scroll compressor. Inside a scroll compressor, there are 2 components called scroll sets. The 2 scrolls mesh against each other in the compressor. There are several pockets that are formed when the scrolls mesh with… …   Wikipedia

  • DVM (Digital Variable Multi) — Разновидность системы кондиционирования с переменным расходом хладагента, являющаяся зарегистрированной торговой маркой компании Samsung. Состоит из одного наружного и нескольких внутренних блоков различного типа (настенные, напольные, канальные …   Глоссарий терминов бытовой и компьютерной техники Samsung

  • DVM (Digital Variable Multi) — Разновидность системы кондиционирования с переменным расходом хладагента, являющаяся зарегистрированной торговой маркой компании Samsung. Состоит из одного наружного и нескольких внутренних блоков различного типа (настенные, напольные, канальные …   Глоссарий терминов бытовой и компьютерной техники Samsung

  • Variable-gain amplifier — A variable gain or voltage controlled amplifier is an electronic amplifier that varies its gain depending on a control voltage (often abbreviated CV). VCAs have many applications, including audio level compression, synthesizers and amplitude… …   Wikipedia

  • Variable bitrate — (VBR) is a term used in telecommunications and computing that relates to the bitrate used in sound or video encoding. As opposed to constant bitrate (CBR), VBR files vary the amount of output data per time segment. VBR allows a higher bitrate… …   Wikipedia

  • DIGITAL Command Language — Paradigm(s) imperative Designed by Digital Equipment Corporation Developer Digital Equipment Corporation Influenced Windows PowerShell OS …   Wikipedia

  • Variable data printing — (VDP) (also known as variable information printing (VIP) or VI) is a form of on demand printing in which elements such as text, graphics and images may be changed from one printed piece to the next, without stopping or slowing down the printing… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital embossing — is a new digital printing technology [1] designed to revolutionize the enhancement process in the printing industry. Digital embossing eliminates the need for printing plates, molds, chemicals and solvents, emitting no pollutants or waste and… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital audio — Digital music redirects here. For a kind of modern music composed by digital means, see electronic music. A sound wave, in gray, represented digitally, in red (after quantization and zero order hold). Digital audio is sound reproduction using… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital radio — has several meanings: 1. Today the most common meaning is digital radio broadcasting technologies, such as the digital audio broadcasting (DAB) system, also known as Eureka 147. In these systems, the analog audio signal is digitized into zeros… …   Wikipedia

  • Digital versus film photography — has been a topic of debate since the invention of digital cameras towards the end of the 20th Century. Both digital and film photography have advantages and drawbacks.[1][2] 21st century photography is dominated by digital operation, but the… …   Wikipedia

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