- digastric
- daɪˈɡæstrɪk
1. прил. двубрюшный (о мышцах)
2. сущ. двубрюшная мышца (челюсти) (анатомия) двубрюшный (о мышцах) digastric двубрюшная мышца (челюсти) ~ анат. двубрюшный (о мышцах)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Digastric — Di*gas tric, a. [Gr. di = di s twice + ? belly: cf. F. digastrique.] (Anat.) (a) Having two bellies; biventral; applied to muscles which are fleshy at each end and have a tendon in the middle, and esp. to the muscle which pulls down the lower jaw … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
digastric — DIGÁSTRIC adj., s.m. (Muşchi) care are o parte cărnoasă la fiecare terminaţie şi o porţiune tendinoasă intermediară. [< fr. digastrique]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.02.2005. Sursa: DN DIGÁSTRIC adj., s. m. (muşchi) al regiunii superioare şi… … Dicționar Român
digastric — [dī gas′trik] adj. [ModL digastricus < Gr di , two + gastēr, belly: see GASTRO ] designating or of a muscle that bellies out from both sides of its tendon, esp. such a muscle in the neck that helps to lower the jaw and indirectly moves the… … English World dictionary
digastric — 1. adjective a) Having two bellies; biventral b) Having two fleshy ends connected by a tendon 2. noun The digastric muscle … Wiktionary
digastric — 1. Having two bellies; denoting especially a muscle with two fleshy parts separated by an intervening tendinous part. SYN: biventral. See d. (muscle). 2. Relating to the d. muscle; denoting a fossa or groove with which it is in relation and a… … Medical dictionary
Digastric muscle — Muscles of the neck. Lateral view … Wikipedia
digastric muscle — n either of a pair of muscles having two bellies separated by a median tendon that extend from the anterior inferior margin of the mandible to the temporal bone and serve to depress the lower jaw and raise the hyoid bone esp. during swallowing… … Medical dictionary
Digastric branch of facial nerve — Nerve: Digastric branch of facial nerve Plan of the facial and intermediate nerves and their communication with other nerves. ( To digastric labeled at bottom left.) Latin ramus digastricus nervi facialis Gray s … Wikipedia
digastric — adjective Etymology: New Latin digastricus, from di + gastricus gastric Date: circa 1721 of, relating to, or being either of a pair of muscles that depress the lower jaw and raise the hyoid bone during swallowing … New Collegiate Dictionary
digastric — /duy gas trik/, Anat. adj. 1. (of a muscle) having two bellies with an intermediate tendon. n. 2. a muscle of the lower jaw, the action of which assists in lowering the jaw. [1690 1700; < NL digastricus. See DI 1, GASTRIC] * * * … Universalium
digàstric — di|gàs|tric Mot Pla Adjectiu variable … Diccionari Català-Català