diffusion pattern

diffusion pattern
диффузионное изображение

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "diffusion pattern" в других словарях:

  • Diffusion MRI — Diagnostics DTI Color Map MeSH D038524 Diffusion MRI is a mag …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion (acoustics) — Diffusion, in acoustics and architectural engineering, is the efficacy by which sound energy is spread evenly in a given environment. A perfectly diffusive sound space is one that has certain key acoustic properties which are the same anywhere in …   Wikipedia

  • Pattern formation — The science of pattern formation deals with the visible, (statistically) orderly outcomes of self organisation and the common principles behind similar patterns. In developmental biology, pattern formation refers to the generation of complex… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion-limited aggregation — A DLA cluster grown from a copper sulfate solution in an electrodeposition cell Diffusion limited aggregation (DLA) is the process whereby particles undergoing a random walk due to Brownian motion cluster together to form aggregates of such… …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion of technology in Canada — This article outlines the history of the diffusion or spread of technology in Canada. Technologies chosen for treatment here include, in rough order, transportation, communication, energy, materials, industry, public works, public services… …   Wikipedia

  • Disease diffusion mapping — Disease diffusion occurs when a disease is transmitted to a new location.[1] It implies that a disease spreads, or pours out, from a central source.[2] The idea of showing the spread of disease using a diffusion pattern is relatively modern,… …   Wikipedia

  • Convection–diffusion equation — The convection–diffusion equation is a parabolic partial differential equation combining the diffusion equation and the advection equation, which describes physical phenomena where particles or energy (or other physical quantities) are… …   Wikipedia

  • Lexical diffusion — In historical linguistics, lexical diffusion is both a phenomenon and a theory. The phenomenon is that by which a phoneme is modified in a subset of the lexicon, and spreads gradually to other lexical items. For example, in English, /uː/ has… …   Wikipedia

  • Reaction–diffusion system — Reaction–diffusion systems are mathematical models which explain how the concentration of one or more substances distributed in space changes under the influence of two processes: local chemical reactions in which the substances are transformed… …   Wikipedia

  • Fusil Enfield Pattern 1853 — Le fusil militaire britannique Enfield Pattern 1853 est un rifle musket (fusil à poudre noire, à un coup, se chargeant par la bouche, à canon rayé et à mise à feu par capsules de fulminate de mercure) produit par l Arsenal royal d Enfield (et des …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Stochastic Diffusion Search — (SDS), was first described in 1989 as a population based, pattern matching algorithm [Bishop, 1989] . It belongs to a family of Swarm Intelligence and naturally inspired search and optimisation algorithms which includes Ant Colony Optimization,… …   Wikipedia

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