Смотреть что такое "diffusate" в других словарях:
Diffusate — Dif*fus ate, n. (Chem.) Material which, in the process of catalysis, has diffused or passed through the separating membrane. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diffusate — difuzatas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. diffusate vok. Diffusat, n rus. диффузат, m pranc. diffusat, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
diffusate — n. [L. diffusus, spread out] Material that diffuses through a semi permeable membrane; dialyzate … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
diffusate — /di fyooh zayt/, n. Physical Chem. (in dialysis) the solution or the crystalline material that passes into it through the semipermeable membrane; dialyzate. [1840 50; DIFFUS(ION) + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
diffusate — SYN: dialysate. [L. dif fundo, pp. fusus, to pour in different directions] * * * dif·fu·sate di fyü .zāt n DIALYSATE * * * dif·fu·sate (dĭ fuґzāt) 1. material that has passed through a membrane, as opposed to the retentate. 2.… … Medical dictionary
diffusate — n. solution which passes through the tissues during dialysis … English contemporary dictionary
diffusate — dif·fu·sate … English syllables
diffusate — də̇ˈfyüˌzāt noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary diffuse + ate : a product of diffusion: as a. : the material that passes through the membrane in dialysis; also … Useful english dictionary
dialysate — That part of a mixture that passes through a dialyzing membrane; the material that does not pass through is referred to as the retentate. SYN: diffusate. * * * di·al·y·sate dī al ə .zāt, .sāt also di·al·y·zate .zāt n 1) the material that passes… … Medical dictionary
dialyzate — /duy al euh zayt /, n. (in dialysis) 1. the remaining, or colloidal, portion of a solution. 2. the solution or the crystalline material that passes into it through the semipermeable membrane; diffusate. [1865 70; DIALYZE + ATE1] * * * … Universalium
retentate — re·ten·tate (re tenґtāt) in a filtration process, the part of a solution that does not cross the membrane, as opposed to the diffusate … Medical dictionary