differentiation between cause and effect

differentiation between cause and effect
различение причины и следствия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "differentiation between cause and effect" в других словарях:

  • Cause — • Cause, as the correlative of effect, is understood as being that which in any way gives existence to, or contributes towards the existence of, any thing; which produces a result; to which the origin of any thing is to be ascribed Catholic… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Health and Disease — ▪ 2009 Introduction Food and Drug Safety.       In 2008 the contamination of infant formula and related dairy products with melamine in China led to widespread health problems in children, including urinary problems and possible renal tube… …   Universalium

  • PURITY AND IMPURITY, RITUAL — (Heb. וְטָהֳרָה טֻמְאָה, tumah ve toharah), a symbolic system according to which a pure person or object is qualified for contact with the Temple and related sancta (holy objects and spaces) while an impure person or object is disqualified from… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • religious symbolism and iconography — Introduction       respectively, the basic and often complex artistic forms and gestures used as a kind of key to convey religious concepts and the visual, auditory, and kinetic representations of religious ideas and events. Symbolism and… …   Universalium

  • doctrine and dogma — ▪ religion Introduction       the explication and officially acceptable version of a religious teaching. The development of doctrines and dogmas has significantly affected the traditions, institutions, and practices of the religions of the world …   Universalium

  • Scientology beliefs and practices — Scientology is, according to its own texts, the study and handling of the spirit in relationship to itself, others and all of life. [cite web | url=http://www.scientology.org/en US/religion/presentation/pg006.html | title=Introduction to… …   Wikipedia

  • Sexual differentiation — This article is about the development of sexual dimorphisms in humans. For sex differences for all animals, see Sexual dimorphism. Sexual differentiation is the process of development of the differences between males and females from an… …   Wikipedia

  • Race and genetics — Notions of race based on Human genetic variation have replaced historical approaches such as craniology with the advent of human genetics in the 20th century. Early historyBlood groupsPrior to the discovery of DNA as the hereditary material,… …   Wikipedia

  • Technics and Time, 1 — Technics and Time, 1: The Fault of Epimetheus (French: La technique et le temps, 1: La faute d Épiméthée ) is a book by the French philosopher Bernard Stiegler, first published by Galilée in 1994. The English translation, by George Collins and… …   Wikipedia

  • Biology and sexual orientation — Sexual orientation Orientations Asexual · Bisexual · Heterosexual · Homosexual Gender based alternative concepts Androphilia and gynephilia · Human female sexuality  …   Wikipedia

  • monopoly and competition — ▪ economics Introduction       basic factors in the structure of economic markets.In economics monopoly and competition signify certain complex relations among firms in an industry. A monopoly implies an exclusive possession of a market by a… …   Universalium

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