- diesel engine
1) дизельный двигатель
2) авт. двигатель с внутренним смесеобразованием
3) авт. двигатель с воспламенением от сжатия
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Diesel engine — Diesel engines in a museum Diesel generator on an oil tanker … Wikipedia
Diesel engine — коммерческий игровой движок, разработанный и используемый шведской компанией разработчиком компьютерных игр GRIN. Первоначально движок был разработан для игры Ballistics 2001 года выпуска. После этого GRIN постоянно модифицирует движок, выпуская… … Википедия
Diesel engine — Diesel Diesel, Diesel engine Die sel en gine or Diesel motor Die sel mo tor (d[=e] zel). [After Dr. Rudolf Diesel, of Munich, the inventor.] A type of internal combustion engine in which the air drawn in by the suction stroke is so highly… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
diesel engine — diesel engines N COUNT A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine in which oil is burnt by very hot air. Diesel engines are used in buses and trucks, and in some trains and cars … English dictionary
diesel engine — a compression ignition engine in which a spray of fuel, introduced into air compressed to a temperature of approximately 1000° F (538° C), ignites at a virtually constant pressure. Also called diesel. [1890 95] * * * Internal combustion engine in … Universalium
diesel engine — noun an internal combustion engine that burns heavy oil • Syn: ↑diesel, ↑diesel motor • Hypernyms: ↑internal combustion engine, ↑ICE • Part Holonyms: ↑diesel locomotive * * * … Useful english dictionary
Diesel engine — dyzelinis variklis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Vidaus degimo variklis, kuriame degusis mišinys užsidega nuo suspaudimo. Užsidegimas variklio cilindre vyksta įpurškus degalus į aukštos temperatūros orą, gaunamą suspaudžiant stūmokliu.… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Diesel engine runaway — is a rare condition affecting diesel engines, where the engine goes out of control, consuming its own lubrication oil and running at higher and higher RPM until it overspeeds to a point where it destroys itself either due to mechanical failure or … Wikipedia
diesel engine — An internal combustion engine that uses diesel oil for fuel. The true diesel does not use a carburetor or an ignition system (i.e., spark plugs) but injects diesel oil into the cylinders when the piston has compressed the air so tightly that it… … Dictionary of automotive terms
diesel engine — /ˈdizəl ɛndʒən/ (say deezuhl enjuhn) noun (sometimes upper case) an ignition compression type of internal combustion engine in which fuel oil is sprayed into the cylinder after the air in it has been compressed to about 550°C, thus causing the… …
diesel engine — noun an internal combustion engine which operates using diesel fuel … Wiktionary