dictionary of foreign words
Смотреть что такое "dictionary of foreign words" в других словарях:
dictionary — /dik sheuh ner ee/, n., pl. dictionaries. 1. a book containing a selection of the words of a language, usually arranged alphabetically, giving information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, etc., expressed in… … Universalium
Dictionary — For other uses, see Dictionary (disambiguation). For Wikimedia s dictionary project visit Wiktionary, or see the Wiktionary article. A multi volume Latin dictionary by Egidio Forcellini. A dic … Wikipedia
Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic — Hans Wehr s Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic, English language U.S. edition. The Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic is an Arabic English dictionary compiled by Hans Wehr and edited by J Milton Cowan. First published in 1961 by Otto… … Wikipedia
dictionary — n. 1) to compile a dictionary 2) to expand; revise; update a dictionary 3) to consult a dictionary 4) an abridged, desk; bilingual; biographical; college, collegiate (AE); combinatorial, combinatory; dialect; etymological; general use, general… … Combinatory dictionary
Electronic dictionary — An nihongo|electronic dictionary|電子辞書|denshi jisho is a small handheld computer with integrated reference materials. In some languages, such as Japanese or Korean, the usage of the term is slightly broader, including CD ROM dictionaries and… … Wikipedia
List of English words of Russian origin — Including English, contain words most likely borrowed from the Russian language. Not all of the words are truly fluent Russian or Slavic origin. Some of them co exist in other Slavic languages and it is difficult to decide whether they made… … Wikipedia
Foreign internal defense — (FID) is used by a number of Western militaries, explicitly by the United States but sharing ideas with countries including France and the United Kingdom, to describe an approach to combating actual or threatened insurgency in a foreign state… … Wikipedia
Foreign relations of Burma — Burma (Myanmar) This article is part of the series: Politics and government of Burma … Wikipedia
Foreign language influences in English — While many words enter English as slang, not all do. Some words are adopted from other languages; some are mixtures of existing words (portmanteau words), and some are new coinages made of roots from dead languages: e.g. thanitopsis. No matter… … Wikipedia
dictionary — Synonyms and related words: biographical dictionary, cant, chemical dictionary, desk dictionary, dialect dictionary, dictionary of quotations, electronics dictionary, etymological dictionary, foreign language dictionary, gazetteer, general… … Moby Thesaurus
Foreign policy of the Reagan administration — The Foreign policy of the Reagan Administration was the foreign policy of the United States from 1981 to 1989 under President Ronald Reagan during his Administration. It was characterized by a strategy of peace through strength followed by a… … Wikipedia