dictatorial government

dictatorial government
диктатура (как форма правления)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dictatorial government" в других словарях:

  • dictatorial — dic|ta|to|ri|al [ˌdıktəˈto:riəl] adj 1.) a dictatorial government or ruler has complete power over a country ▪ dictatorial regimes 2.) a dictatorial person tells other people what to do in an unreasonable way ▪ Professor Clement s dictatorial… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • dictatorial — adjective 1 a dictatorial government or ruler has complete power over a country 2 a dictatorial person tells other people what to do in an unreasonable way: Professor Clement s dictatorial attitude dictatorially adverb …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • dictatorial — dic|ta|to|ri|al [ ,dıktə tɔriəl ] adjective 1. ) telling people what to do and refusing to listen to their opinions: I don t like his dictatorial tone. 2. ) used about someone who takes and keeps power in a country by force: a dictatorial… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • dictatorial — UK [ˌdɪktəˈtɔːrɪəl] / US [ˌdɪktəˈtɔrɪəl] adjective 1) telling people what to do and refusing to listen to their opinions I don t like his dictatorial tone. 2) used about someone who takes and keeps power in a country by force a dictatorial… …   English dictionary

  • Government Junta of Chile (1924) — Government Junta of Chile (September 11, 1924 January 23, 1925), (also known as the September Junta ) was the political structure established to rule Chile following the military coup that overthrew President Arturo Alessandri. It ruled the… …   Wikipedia

  • government — n. 1) to form a government 2) to head; operate, run a government 3) to destabilize, subvert; dissolve; overthrow; seize a government 4) (a) clean; corrupt; strong; weak government 5) a caretaker; civil; coalition; military; provisional government …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Government of Burma — The government of Burma (also known as Myanmar) is an authoritarian dictatorial regime which is controlled by the military (Tatmadaw) in the form of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC). A parliamentary government was elected in 1990,… …   Wikipedia

  • dictatorial regime — despotic system of government, tyrannical leadership …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Military government of Chile (1973–1990) — History of Chile This article is part of a series Early History …   Wikipedia

  • Brazilian military government — Federative Republic of Brazil (Republic of United States of Brazil until 1967) Republica Federativa do Brasil (República dos Estados Unidos do Brasil until 1967) Military dictatorship …   Wikipedia

  • Malloum's military government — The coup d état that terminated Tombalbaye s government received an enthusiastic response in N Djamena. Félix Malloum emerged as the chairman of the new Supreme Military Council ( Conseil Supérieur Militaire or CSM) and the first days of the new… …   Wikipedia

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