- dichromatic
- ˌdaɪkrəuˈmætɪk прил. двухцветный Syn : two-colored, of two colors (специальное) дихроматический, двухцветный (медицина) различающий два основных цвета dichromatic двухцветный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dichromatic — may refer to: Dichromacy, a form of color blindness in which only two light wavelengths are distinguished rather than the usual three Dichromatic, describing an optical device which splits light into two parts according to its wavelength: a form… … Wikipedia
Dichromatic — Di chro*mat ic, a. [Pref. di + chromatic: cf. Gr. ?.] 1. Having or exhibiting two colors. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) Having two color varieties, or two phases differing in color, independently of age or sex, as in certain birds and insects.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dichromatic — [dī΄krō mat′ik] adj. [ DI 1 + CHROMATIC] 1. having two colors 2. of or characterized by dichromatism 3. Biol. having two seasonal varieties of coloration that are independent of sex or age, as certain species of insects, owls, or parrots … English World dictionary
dichromatic — 1. Having or exhibiting two colors. 2. Relating to dichromatism (2). * * * di·chro·mat·ic .dī krō mat ik adj 1) having or exhibiting two colors 2) of, relating to, or exhibiting dichromatism * * * adj. describing the state of colour vision of… … Medical dictionary
dichromatic vision — dichromatic vision, = dichromatism. (Cf. ↑dichromatism) … Useful english dictionary
Dichromatic reflectance model — In Shafer’s dichromatic reflection model, scene radiance has two components: cb is the body reflected component cs is the surface reflected component mb and ms are scale factors depending on illumination, view directions and surface orientation.… … Wikipedia
dichromatic — adjective Date: circa 1847 1. having or exhibiting two colors 2. of, relating to, or exhibiting dichromatism … New Collegiate Dictionary
dichromatic — having two colour forms … Dictionary of ichthyology
dichromatic — adj. [Gr. dis, twice; chroma, color] 1. Having two color varieties. 2; seeing only two colors … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dichromatic — /duy kroh mat ik, kreuh /, adj. 1. Also, dichroic. having or showing two colors; dichromic. 2. Zool. exhibiting two color phases within a species not due to age or season. [1840 50; DI 1 + CHROMATIC] * * * … Universalium
dichromatic — adjective a) Showing two colors. b) having two independent channels for conveying color information in the eye. See Also: dichromacy, dichromat … Wiktionary