Смотреть что такое "dichloroethyl" в других словарях:
dichloroethyl — di·chlo·ro·ethyl … English syllables
dichloroethyl formal — /duy klawr oh eth euhl, klohr /, Chem. a colorless liquid, C5H10O2Cl2, used chiefly as a solvent and in the manufacture of certain synthetic rubbers. Also, dichlorodiethyl formal. [DI + CHLORO 2 + ETHYL] * * * … Universalium
dichloroethyl formal — chemical liquid solvent (mostly used in the production of rubber) … English contemporary dictionary
dichloroethyl sulfide — noun a toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs; there is no known antidote • Syn: ↑mustard gas, ↑mustard agent, ↑blistering agent, ↑sulfur mustard • Hypernyms: ↑poison gas, ↑vesicant, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dichloroethyl ether — … Useful english dictionary
dichloroethyl formal — /duy klawr oh eth euhl, klohr /, Chem. a colorless liquid, C5H10O2Cl2, used chiefly as a solvent and in the manufacture of certain synthetic rubbers. Also, dichlorodiethyl formal. [DI + CHLORO 2 + ETHYL] … Useful english dictionary
National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants — The National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs) are emissions standards set by the United States EPA for an air pollutant not covered by NAAQS that may cause an increase in fatalities or in serious, irreversible, or… … Wikipedia
List of Extremely Hazardous Substances — This is a list of Extremely Hazardous Substances as defined by Section 302 of the U.S. Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act. NOTOC A * Acetone cyanohydrin * Acetone thiosemicarbazide * Acrolein * Acrylamide * Acrylonitrile *… … Wikipedia
blistering agent — noun a toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs; there is no known antidote • Syn: ↑mustard gas, ↑mustard agent, ↑dichloroethyl sulfide, ↑sulfur mustard • Hypernyms: ↑poison gas, ↑vesicant, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
mustard agent — noun a toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs; there is no known antidote • Syn: ↑mustard gas, ↑blistering agent, ↑dichloroethyl sulfide, ↑sulfur mustard • Hypernyms: ↑poison gas, ↑vesicant … Useful english dictionary
mustard gas — noun a toxic war gas with sulfide based compounds that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs; there is no known antidote • Syn: ↑mustard agent, ↑blistering agent, ↑dichloroethyl sulfide, ↑sulfur mustard • Hypernyms: ↑poison gas,… … Useful english dictionary