- dibasic
- daɪˈbeɪsɪk
1. прил. двухосновный
2. сущ. двухосновная кислота (химическое) двухосновный - * acid двухосновная кислота dibasic двухосновная кислота ~ хим. двухосновный
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Dibasic — is an adjective meaning: containing two hydrogen atoms that can be replaced by metal ions,[1] or of or relating to salts or acids forming salts with two atoms of a univalent metal. [1] Dibasic calcium phosphate is referred to as dicalcium… … Wikipedia
Dibasic — Di*ba sic, a. [Pref. di + basic.] (Chem.) Having two acid hydrogen atoms capable of replacement by basic atoms or radicals, in forming salts; bibasic; said of acids, as oxalic or sulphuric acids. Cf. {Diacid}, {Bibasic}. [1913 Webster] Note: In… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dibasic — dibasic. См. двуосновный. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
dibasic — [dī bā′sik] adj. 1. denoting or of an acid with two hydrogen atoms either or both of which may be replaced by basic radicals or atoms to form a salt 2. having two atoms of a monovalent metal dibasicity [dī΄bā sis′ə tē] n … English World dictionary
dibasic — dibasicity /duy bay sis i tee/, n. /duy bay sik/, adj. Chem. 1. containing two replaceable or ionizable hydrogen atoms: dibasic acid. 2. having two univalent, basic atoms, as dibasic sodium phosphate, Na2HPO4. [1865 70; DI 1 + BASIC] * * * … Universalium
dibasic — /daɪˈbeɪsɪk/ (say duy baysik) adjective 1. containing two ionisable hydrogen atoms, as dibasic acid. 2. having two univalent, basic atoms, as dibasic sodium phosphate, Na2HPO4. {di 1 + basic} …
dibasic — di·bas·ic || daɪ beɪsɪk adj. (Chemistry) containing two replaceable hydrogen atoms; containing two basic univalent atoms n. dibasic acid … English contemporary dictionary
dibasic — di•ba•sic [[t]daɪˈbeɪ sɪk[/t]] adj. 1) chem. containing two replaceable or ionizable hydrogen atoms: dibasic acid[/ex] 2) chem. having two univalent basic atoms • Etymology: 1865–70 di ba•sic′i•ty ˈsɪs ɪ ti n … From formal English to slang
dibasic sodium phosphate — n SODIUM PHOSPHATE (2) * * * [USP] the heptahydrate disodium salt of phosphoric acid; used alone or in combination with other phosphate compounds, it is given intravenously as an electrolyte replenisher, orally or rectally as a laxative, and… … Medical dictionary
Dibasic ester — In chemistry, a dibasic ester or DBE is an ester of a dicarboxylic acid. Depending on the application, the alcohol may be methanol or higher molecular weight monoalcohols. Mixtures of different methyl dibasic esters are commercially produced from … Wikipedia
Dibasic acid — Acid types Monobasic acid · Dibasic acid · Tribasic acid A dibasic acid is an acid that has two hydrogen ions to donate to a base in an acid base reaction.[1][2] Therefore, a dibasic molecule has two replaceable hydrogen atoms … Wikipedia