Смотреть что такое "diazole" в других словарях:
Diazole — refers to either one of a pair of isomeric chemical compounds with molecular formula C3H4N2, having a five membered ring consisting of three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms. The two isomers are: Imidazole (1,3 diazole) Pyrazole (1,2 diazole)… … Wikipedia
diazole — ● diazole nom masculin Composé hétérocyclique aromatique C3H3N2, renfermant un cycle à 5 chaînons … Encyclopédie Universelle
diazole — [dī′ə zōl΄, dī az′ōl΄] n. [ DIAZ(O) + OLE] 1. any of a group of chemical compounds with a 5 membered ring containing three atoms of carbon and two of nitrogen 2. a derivative of such a compound … English World dictionary
diazole — diazolis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Patvari diazonio druska. atitikmenys: angl. diazole rus. диазол … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
diazole — ˈdīəˌzōl, dīˈaz noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary diaz + ole 1. : either of two parent compounds C3H3N2 containing a ring composed of three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms: a. : pyrazole … Useful english dictionary
diazole — /duy euh zohl , duy az ohl/, n. Chem. any of a group of organic compounds containing three carbon atoms and two nitrogen atoms arranged in a ring. [DIAZ + OLE] * * * … Universalium
diazole — noun Either of two unsaturated heterocycles consisting of a five membered ring containg three carbon atoms, two nitrogen atoms and two double bonds namely pyrazole and imidazole … Wiktionary
diazole — di·a·zole … English syllables
diazole — /ˈdaɪəzoʊl/ (say duyuhzohl), /daɪˈæzoʊl/ (say duy azohl) noun one of two isomeric, heterocyclic compounds containing three carbon and two nitrogen atoms arranged in a five membered ring. {diaz(o) + ole} …
C3H4N2 — Cette page répertorie différents isomères, c’est à dire les molécules qui partagent la même formule brute. C3H4 … Wikipédia en Français
Hétérocycle/tableaux — Nomenclature des hétérocycles (nombre de côtés ou de sommets du cycle, nombre de double liaison à l intérieur du cycle) = (X,Y) + nom de l analogue hydrocarbure à chaque (X,Y), tableau avec le type de l hétéroatome en colonne et nombre d… … Wikipédia en Français