dialect dictionary
Смотреть что такое "dialect dictionary" в других словарях:
English Dialect Dictionary — ( EDD ) is a dictionary of English language dialects, compiled by Joseph Wright. The English dialect dictionary, being the complete vocabulary of all dialect words still in use, or known to have been in use during the last two hundred years;… … Wikipedia
Dictionary of American Regional English — Volume I (1985), Volume II (1991), Volume III (1996), Volume IV (2002), Volume V (2012) Country United States … Wikipedia
dialect — is the language form of a region, and varies from the standard language in matters of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation. Some dialects are also related to social class and ethnic origin. The dialects of the United Kingdom are recorded in… … Modern English usage
dictionary — /dik sheuh ner ee/, n., pl. dictionaries. 1. a book containing a selection of the words of a language, usually arranged alphabetically, giving information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, etc., expressed in… … Universalium
Dictionary of American Regional English — Le Dictionary of American Regional English (DARE) est un dictionnaire de la langue anglaise parlée aux États Unis, des origines au temps présent. À la différence des autres dictionnaires, il ne s intéresse pas à la langue standard utilisée dans l … Wikipédia en Français
dialect — Synonyms and related words: Acadian, Anglo Indian, Brooklynese, Cajun, Canadian French, Cockney, French Canadian, Gullah, Midland, Midland dialect, New England dialect, Pennsylvania Dutch, Yankee, Yorkshire, accent, argot, brogue, bundle of… … Moby Thesaurus
dictionary — Synonyms and related words: biographical dictionary, cant, chemical dictionary, desk dictionary, dialect dictionary, dictionary of quotations, electronics dictionary, etymological dictionary, foreign language dictionary, gazetteer, general… … Moby Thesaurus
Dialect — This article is about dialects of spoken and written languages. For dialects of programming languages, see Dialect (computing). For the literary device, see Eye dialect. The term dialect (from the Greek Language word dialektos, Διάλεκτος) is used … Wikipedia
dictionary — n. 1) to compile a dictionary 2) to expand; revise; update a dictionary 3) to consult a dictionary 4) an abridged, desk; bilingual; biographical; college, collegiate (AE); combinatorial, combinatory; dialect; etymological; general use, general… … Combinatory dictionary
Dictionary of American English — A Dictionary of American English on Historical Principles (DAE) is a dictionary of terms appearing in English in the United States that was published in four volumes from 1938 to 1944 by the University of Chicago Press.[1][2][3] Intended to pick… … Wikipedia
American Dialect Society — The American Dialect Society, founded in 1889, is a learned society dedicated to the study of the English language in North America, and of other languages, or dialects of other languages, influencing it or influenced by it. Flexner, Stuart B.… … Wikipedia