dial telephone
Смотреть что такое "dial telephone" в других словарях:
dial telephone — noun a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called • Syn: ↑dial phone • Hypernyms: ↑telephone, ↑phone, ↑telephone set • Part Meronyms: ↑dial, ↑telephone dial … Useful english dictionary
dial telephone — telephone operated with a numbered dial … English contemporary dictionary
Telephone Number Mapping — (ENUM or Enum, from E.164 NUmber Mapping) is a suite of protocols to unify the telephone numbering system E.164 with the Internet addressing system DNS by using an indirect lookup method, to obtain NAPTR records. The records are stored at a DNS… … Wikipedia
Telephone — The telephone (from the el. τῆλε, tēle , far and φωνή, phōnē , voice ) is a telecommunications device that is used to transmit and receive sound (most commonly speech), usually two people conversing but occasionally three or more. It is one of… … Wikipedia
dial phone — noun a telephone with a dial for registering the number to be called • Syn: ↑dial telephone • Hypernyms: ↑telephone, ↑phone, ↑telephone set • Part Meronyms: ↑dial, ↑telephone dial … Useful english dictionary
telephone dial — noun a disc on a telephone that is rotated a fixed distance for each number called • Syn: ↑dial • Derivationally related forms: ↑dial (for: ↑dial) • Hypernyms: ↑selector, ↑ … Useful english dictionary
telephone — Synonyms and related words: blower, buzz, call, call box, call up, carbon telephone, coin telephone, desk telephone, dial, dial telephone, extension, give a ring, handset, hang up, hold the phone, horn, listen in, make a call, mouthpiece, pay… … Moby Thesaurus
telephone set — noun electronic equipment that converts sound into electrical signals that can be transmitted over distances and then converts received signals back into sounds I talked to him on the telephone • Syn: ↑telephone, ↑phone • Derivationally related… … Useful english dictionary
dial tone — noun : a characteristic tone emitted by a dial telephone as a signal that the system is ready for dialing * * * noun, pl ⋯ tones [count] US : the sound that comes from a telephone when it is ready for a call to be made called also (Brit) dialling … Useful english dictionary
telephone booth — Synonyms and related words: call box, coin telephone, desk telephone, dial telephone, extension, mouthpiece, pay station, phone, public telephone, push button telephone, receiver, telephone, telephone engineering, telephone extension, telephone… … Moby Thesaurus
Dial-up Internet access — is a form of Internet access that uses the facilities of the public switched telephone network (PSTN) to establish a dialled connection to an Internet service provider (ISP) via telephone lines. The user s computer or router uses an attached… … Wikipedia