diagonal limit

diagonal limit
мат. диагональный предел

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "diagonal limit" в других словарях:

  • Limit (category theory) — In category theory, a branch of mathematics, the abstract notion of a limit captures the essential properties of universal constructions such as products and inverse limits. The dual notion of a colimit generalizes constructions such as disjoint… …   Wikipedia

  • Diagonal functor — In category theory, for any object a in any category where the product exists, there exists the diagonal morphism satisfying for , where πk …   Wikipedia

  • Turner Diagonal — Infobox road marker highway name=Turner Diagonal maint=WyCo Unified Government length mi=3 length ref=Distances computed with Google Maps direction features on 2007 09 25.] direction a=West terminus a=jct|state=KS|US|24|US|40|road=State Ave. in… …   Wikipedia

  • Perron–Frobenius theorem — In linear algebra, the Perron–Frobenius theorem, proved by Oskar Perron (1907) and Georg Frobenius (1912), asserts that a real square matrix with positive entries has a unique largest real eigenvalue and that the corresponding… …   Wikipedia

  • Matrix mechanics — Quantum mechanics Uncertainty principle …   Wikipedia

  • mathematics — /math euh mat iks/, n. 1. (used with a sing. v.) the systematic treatment of magnitude, relationships between figures and forms, and relations between quantities expressed symbolically. 2. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) mathematical procedures,… …   Universalium

  • building construction — Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and… …   Universalium

  • Circle of confusion — For the closely related topic in microscopy, see Point spread function. In optics, a circle of confusion is an optical spot caused by a cone of light rays from a lens not coming to a perfect focus when imaging a point source. It is also known as… …   Wikipedia

  • Adjoint functors — Adjunction redirects here. For the construction in field theory, see Adjunction (field theory). For the construction in topology, see Adjunction space. In mathematics, adjoint functors are pairs of functors which stand in a particular… …   Wikipedia

  • chess — chess1 /ches/, n. a game played by two persons, each with 16 pieces, on a chessboard. [1150 1200; ME < OF esches, pl. of eschec CHECK1] chess2 /ches/, n., pl. chess, chesses. one of the planks forming the roadway of a floating bridge. [1425 75;… …   Universalium

  • Common integrals in quantum field theory — There are common integrals in quantum field theory that appear repeatedly.[1] These integrals are all variations and generalizations of gaussian integrals to the complex plane and to multiple dimensions. Other integrals can be approximated by… …   Wikipedia

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