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Dextran — Identifiers CAS number 9004 54 0 … Wikipedia
Dextran 1 — is a hapten inhibitor that greatly reduces the risk for anaphylactic reactions when administering dextran.[1] Mechanism Dextran 1 is composed of a small fraction (1 kilodalton) of the entire dextran complex. This is enough to bind anti dextran… … Wikipedia
dextran — ● dextran nom masculin Dextrane obtenu par action de la bactérie Leuconostoc mesenteroides sur le saccharose ou préparé par synthèse, utilisé comme succédané du sang. dextran [dɛkstʀɑ̃] n. m. ÉTYM. D. i. (mil XXe); all. Dextran, 1874,… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dextran — dextrán s. m., pl. dextráni Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic … Dicționar Român
dextran — [deks′tran΄, deks′trən] n. [ DEXTR + AN] a chainlike polymer of glucose produced by certain strains of bacteria acting on sucrose, as in sugar refinery tanks, in various fermentation processes, or in the formation of dental plaque: it is used as… … English World dictionary
dextran — 1. Any of several water soluble high molecular weight glucose polymers (average MW 75,000; ranging between 1,000 and 40,000,000) produced by the action of members of the family Lactobacillaceae and certain other microorganisms on sucrose; used in … Medical dictionary
dextran — n. a carbohydrate, consisting of branched chains of glucose units, that is a storage product of bacteria and yeasts. Preparations of dextran solution are used in transfusions, to increase the volume of plasma … The new mediacal dictionary
dextran — dekstranas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Bakterijų polisacharidas, susidedantis iš D gliukozės liekanų. formulė Formulę žr. priede. priedas( ai) Grafinis formatas atitikmenys: angl. dextran; starch gum rus. декстран … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
dextran — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1879 any of numerous glucose biopolymers of variable molecular weight that are produced especially by the fermentation of sucrose by bacteria (as genus Leuconostoc), are found in dental… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Dextran — Dextrane sind hochmolekulare, verzweigte, neutrale Biopolysaccharide, die Hefen und Bakterien als Reservestoffe dienen. Da die Polymere nur aus Glucose Einheiten bestehen, zählen sie zu den Homoglykanen. Natürliche Dextrane besitzen Molekülmassen … Deutsch Wikipedia
dextran — /dek streuhn/, n. Chem., Pharm. a viscous polysaccharide, composed of dextrose, produced by bacterial action on sucrose: used in confections and lacquers and in medicine chiefly as an extender for blood plasma. [1875 80; DEXTR(OSE) + AN(HYDRIDE)] … Universalium