dew claw — also dew claw, 1570s, from CLAW (Cf. claw), but the signification of the first element is obscure (see DEWLAP (Cf. dewlap)) … Etymology dictionary
dew|claw — «DOO KL, DYOO », noun. 1. a small, useless inner claw or toe in some dogs and other animals; not reaching the ground in walking. 2. the false hoof of deer, hogs, and other hoofed mammals, consisting of two rudimentary toes … Useful english dictionary
dew-claw — … Useful english dictionary
dewclaw — dew·claw d(y)ü .klȯ n a vestigial digit not reaching to the ground on the foot of a mammal also a claw or hoof terminating such a digit dew·clawed .klȯd adj * * * dew·claw (dooґklaw) a vestigial digit or claw, found in the feet of dogs, cats,… … Medical dictionary
dewclaw — dew•claw [[t]ˈduˌklɔ, ˈdyu [/t]] n. 1) zool. a functionless claw on some dogs that does not reach the ground in walking 2) zool. an analogous false hoof, as of deer • Etymology: 1570–80; cf. dewlap dew′clawed , adj … From formal English to slang
Dewclaw — For the web comic characters of the same last name, see Kevin and Kell. Letter D in the image indicates the dewclaw on this dog s front paw … Wikipedia
Dave Rick — Genres Avant rock, Noise rock, Underground music Instruments Guitar, bass, vocals Labels Homestead Records Shimmy Disc Atlantic Records … Wikipedia
Hoof — A hoof is the tip of a toe of an ungulate mammal, strengthened by a thick horny (keratin) covering. The hoof consists of a hard or rubbery sole, and a hard wall formed by a thick nail rolled around the tip of the toe. The weight of the animal is… … Wikipedia
Cat body type genetic mutations — Cats, like all living organisms, occasionally have mutations that affect their body type. Sometimes, these changes in body type are striking enough that humans select for and perpetuate them. This is not always in the best interests of the cat,… … Wikipedia
Beauceron — Infobox Dogbreed image caption = The Beauceron name = Beauceron altname = French Shorthaired Shepherd Beauce Shepherd Berger de Beauce Bas Rouge (Red Stocking) country = France fcigroup = 1 fcisection = 1 fcinum = 044 fcistd =… … Wikipedia
Carnivora — Taxobox name = Carnivora fossil range = Paleocene to Recent image width = 190px image caption = American Badger regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia infraclassis = Eutheria superordo = Laurasiatheria ordo = Carnivora ordo… … Wikipedia