devout catholic

devout catholic
набожный католик

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "devout catholic" в других словарях:

  • Catholic League (U.S.) — Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights Logo of the Catholic League Abbreviation CL Formation 1973 Type NGO Leg …   Wikipedia

  • devout — de|vout [dıˈvaut] adj [Date: 1100 1200; : Old French; Origin: devot, from Latin devotus; DEVOTE] 1.) someone who is devout has a very strong belief in a religion ▪ a devout Catholic 2.) formal a devout hope or wish is one that you feel very… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • devout — adjective 1 someone who is devout has a very strong belief in a religion: a devout Catholic 2 formal a devout hope or wish is one that you feel very strongly: It is my devout hope that we can work together in peace. devoutly adverb devoutness… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • devout — devoutly, adv. devoutness, n. /di vowt /, adj., devouter, devoutest. 1. devoted to divine worship or service; pious; religious: a devout Catholic. 2. expressing devotion or piety: devout prayer. 3. earnest or sincere; hearty: He had a devout… …   Universalium

  • devout — devout, pious, religious, pietistic, sanctimonious apply mainly to persons, their acts, and their words and mean showing fervor and reverence in the practice of religion. Devout stresses an attitude of mind or a feeling that leads one to such… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Catholic — • The combination the Catholic Church (he katholike ekklesia) is found for the first time in the letter of St. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans, written about the year 110 Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Catholic     Catholic …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Catholic devotions — This article is primarily about devotions in the Latin Rite. For devotions in the Eastern Catholic Churches, refer to the articles on the individual Churches or the corresponding Orthodox Churches. Catholic devotions are prayer forms which are… …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic Corps — The Catholic Corps is a fictional military order in the Warrior Nun Areala universe and appears in several comic books published by Antarctic Press. It was created by Ben Dunn and its first appearance was Warrior Nun Areala Vol. 1 #1 in December… …   Wikipedia

  • Catholic — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun ADJECTIVE ▪ Roman ▪ devout, faithful (esp. AmE) ▪ practising/practicing ▪ good ▪ lapsed …   Collocations dictionary

  • devout — adj. Devout is used with these nouns: ↑believer, ↑Buddhist, ↑Catholic, ↑Christian, ↑follower, ↑Jew, ↑Muslim …   Collocations dictionary

  • List of Catholic authors — The authors listed on this page should be limited to those who identify as Catholic authors in some form. This does not mean they are necessarily orthodox in their beliefs. It does mean they identify as Catholic in a religious, cultural, or even… …   Wikipedia

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