Смотреть что такое "devocalization" в других словарях:
Devocalization — (also known as ventriculocordectomy or vocal cordectomy, and for dogs, debarking or bark softening) is a surgical procedure applied to dogs and cats, where tissue is removed from the animal’s vocal cords in order to permanently reduce the volume… … Wikipedia
Devocalization — Devocalize De*vo cal*ize, v. t. To make toneless; to deprive of vowel quality. {De*vo cal*i*za tion}, n. [1913 Webster] If we take a high vowel, such as (i) [= nearly i of bit], and devocalize it, we obtain a hiss which is quite distinct enough… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
devocalization — См. devocalizzazione … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
devocalization — See devocalize. * * * … Universalium
devocalize — devocalization, n. /dee voh keuh luyz /, v.t., devocalized, devocalizing. Phonet. 1. to devoice. 2. to convert (a speech sound) from a vowel to a glide. Also, esp. Brit., devocalise. [1875 80; DE + VOCALIZE] * * * … Universalium
MSPCA-Angell — sign on South Huntington Ave The Massachusetts Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Angell Animal Medical Center (MSPCA Angell) is a 501(c)(3) non profit organization with its main headquarters on South Huntington Avenue in the… … Wikipedia
Surgical debarking — Debarking, devocalization, bark softening, or, in medical terms, ventriculocordectomy or vocal cordectomy, is a controversial surgical procedure, similar to a laryngectomy, applied to dogs to permanently stop them from barking. Removing tissue… … Wikipedia
Dog behavior — Dogs roughhousing. Dog behavior refers to the collection of behaviors by the domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, and is believed to be influenced by genetic, social, situational and environmental causes. The domestic dog is a subspecies of the… … Wikipedia
Bellen — Bellender Schäferhund Bellender Rat Terrier Das … Deutsch Wikipedia
devocalizzazione — (оглушение | assourdissement, dévocalisation | Stimmloswerden, Verlust des Stimmtons | unvoicing, devoicing, devocalization | assordimento, devocalizzazione) Для согласного – потеря звонкости, т.е. произношение без участия голоса (отсюда также… … Пятиязычный словарь лингвистических терминов
Debarking — For the veterinary procedure performed on dogs and cats, see Devocalization. Debarking is the process of removing bark from wood. Traditional debarking is conducted in order to create a fence post or fence stake which would then go on to be… … Wikipedia