- devil's hand
1. ловильный инструмент для мелких предметов;
открытый овершот (из 6 - 8 пружинящих ловильных крюков, расположенных по кругу остриями внутрь)
2. канатные клещи
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Devil's hand — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
devil's-hand — ˈ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun (plural devil s hands) : an ornamental Mexican tree (Chiranthodendron pentadactylon) of the family Sterculiaceae having bright red flowers with five stamens arranged like the fingers of a hand … Useful english dictionary
devil's hand — noun three of a kind sixes … Wiktionary
The Devil's Hand — est un film américain réalisé par William J. Hole Jr., sorti en 1962. Sommaire 1 Synopsis 2 Fiche technique 3 Distribution 4 Liens externes … Wikipédia en Français
Devil — Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr. gal… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil bird — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil may care — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil worship — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil's apron — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil's coachhorse — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Devil's darning-needle — Devil Dev il, n. [AS. de[ o]fol, de[ o]ful; akin to G. ?eufel, Goth. diaba[ u]lus; all fr. L. diabolus the devil, Gr. ? the devil, the slanderer, fr. ? to slander, calumniate, orig., to throw across; ? across + ? to throw, let fall, fall; cf. Skr … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English