development model

development model
модель развития

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "development model" в других словарях:

  • development model —   a theory of development why and how it occurs. Two popular ones are Clarke Fisher and Rostow …   Geography glossary

  • Collaborative software development model — Hackathon The Collaborative software development model is a style of software development whose focus is on public availability and communication, usually via the Internet.The software development model began widespread adoption with the Linux… …   Wikipedia

  • Canadian Development Model — The Canadian Development Model (CDM) was created during the summer of 2005 at the Hockey Canada Annual General Meeting in Saint John, New Brunswick. The Canadian Development Model was setup to create a uniform system for players from Vancouver to …   Wikipedia

  • Knapp's Relational Development Model — The Knapp s Relational Development Model is a demonstration mapping the progression of either a personal relationship or an interpersonal relationship. In either type of relationship a type of communication, called interpersonal communication, or …   Wikipedia

  • Model-driven engineering — (MDE) is a software development methodology which focuses on creating and exploiting domain models (that is, abstract representations of the knowledge and activities that govern a particular application domain), rather than on the computing (or… …   Wikipedia

  • Model-driven architecture — (MDA) is a software design approach for the development of software systems. It provides a set of guidelines for the structuring of specifications, which are expressed as models. Model driven architecture is a kind of domain engineering, and… …   Wikipedia

  • Model Driven Architecture — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La arquitectura dirigida por modelos (Model Driven Architecture o MDA) es un acercamiento al diseño de software, propuesto y patrocinado por el Object Management Group. MDA se ha concebido para dar soporte a la… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Development Supported Agriculture — (DSA) is a nascent movement in real estate development that preserves and invests in agricultural land use. As farmland is lost due to the challenging economics of farming and the pressures of the real estate industry, DSA attempts to reconcile… …   Wikipedia

  • Model — Contents 1 Physical 1.1 Human models 2 Nonphysical 2.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Model-driven Architecture — La arquitectura dirigida por modelos (Model Driven Architecture o MDA) es un acercamiento al diseño de software, propuesto y patrocinado por el Object Management Group. MDA se ha concebido para dar soporte a la ingeniería dirigida a modelos de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Development economics — is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low income countries. Its focus is not only on methods of promoting economic growth and structural change but also on improving the potential for the mass of …   Wikipedia

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