- deterministic simulation
- детерменированное моделирование
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
simulation — a predictive analysis showing production and harvest of fish using mathematical formulae. Can be deterministic, where for each set of inputs there is one output of the calculation, or, stochastic, where multiple calculations are performed to… … Dictionary of ichthyology
Computer simulation — This article is about computer model within a scientific context. For artistic usage, see 3d modeling. For simulating a computer on a computer, see emulator. A 48 hour computer simulation of Typhoon Mawar using the Weather Research and… … Wikipedia
Computer Simulation and Organizational Studies — Computer Simulation is a prominent method in organizational studies and strategic management (Harrison, Lin, Carroll, Carley, 2007). While there are many uses for computer simulation (including the development of engineering systems inside high… … Wikipedia
Finite & Deterministic Discrete Event System Specification — FD DEVS (Finite Deterministic Discrete Event System Specification) is a formalism for modeling and analyzing discrete event dynamic systems in both simulation and verification ways. FD DEVS also provides modular and hierarchical modeling features … Wikipedia
Computer simulation and organizational studies — Computer simulation is a prominent method in organizational studies and strategic management.[1] While there are many uses for computer simulation (including the development of engineering systems inside high technology firms), most academics in… … Wikipedia
OptiY — Developer(s) OptiY GmbH Stable release 4.0 / January 12, 2010 Operating system Windows Type Technical computing … Wikipedia
Stochastic modelling (insurance) — This page is concerned with the stochastic modelling as applied to the insurance industry. For other stochastic modelling applications, please see Monte Carlo method. For mathematical definition, please see Stochastic process.tochastic model… … Wikipedia
PicoChip — is a venture backed fabless semiconductor company based in Bath, England, founded in 2000.The company has developed a multi core digital signal processor, the picoArray. This integrates 250 300 individual DSP cores onto a single die (depending on … Wikipedia
Детерминированная имитация — [deterministic simulation] вид машинной имитации, при которой используется детерминированная модель изучаемой системы, следовательно, не учитывается влияние случайных возмущений в отличие от стохастической имитации (например, метода Монте Карло) … Экономико-математический словарь
детерминированная имитация — Вид машинной имитации, при которой используется детерминированная модель изучаемой системы, следовательно, не учитывается влияние случайных возмущений в отличие от стохастической имитации (например, метода Монте Карло), при которой поведение… … Справочник технического переводчика
DEVS — abbreviating Discrete Event System Specification is a modular and hierarchical formalism for modeling and analyzing general systems that can be discrete event systems which might be described by state transition tables, and continuous state… … Wikipedia