- determination of chloride ion concentration
- определение концентрации ионов хлора (в фильтрате бурового раствора)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
ion-exchange reaction — ▪ chemical reaction Introduction any of a class of chemical reactions between two substances (each consisting of positively and negatively charged species called ions (ion)) that involves an exchange of one or more ionic components.… … Universalium
определение концентрации ионов хлора — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN determination of chloride ion concentration … Справочник технического переводчика
liquid — liquidly, adv. liquidness, n. /lik wid/, adj. 1. composed of molecules that move freely among themselves but do not tend to separate like those of gases; neither gaseous nor solid. 2. of, pertaining to, or consisting of liquids: a liquid diet. 3 … Universalium
protein — proteinaceous /proh tee nay sheuhs, tee i nay /, proteinic, proteinous, adj. /proh teen, tee in/, n. 1. Biochem. any of numerous, highly varied organic molecules constituting a large portion of the mass of every life form and necessary in the… … Universalium
Magnesium in biology — Magnesium is an essential element in biological systems. Magnesium occurs typically as the Mg2+ ion. It is an essential mineral nutrient for life[1][2][3] and is present in every cell type in every organism. For example, ATP (adenosine… … Wikipedia
Life Sciences — ▪ 2009 Introduction Zoology In 2008 several zoological studies provided new insights into how species life history traits (such as the timing of reproduction or the length of life of adult individuals) are derived in part as responses to… … Universalium
cell — cell1 cell like, adj. /sel/, n. 1. a small room, as in a convent or prison. 2. any of various small compartments or bounded areas forming part of a whole. 3. a small group acting as a unit within a larger organization: a local cell of the… … Universalium
acid–base reaction — ▪ chemistry Introduction a type of chemical process typified by the exchange of one or more hydrogen ions, H+, between species that may be neutral (molecules, such as water, H2O; or acetic acid, CH3CO2H) or electrically charged (ions, such… … Universalium
Metal ions in aqueous solution — A metal ion in aqueous solution is a cation, dissolved in water, of chemical formula [M(H2O)n]z+. The solvation number, n, determined by a variety of experimental methods is 4 for Li+ and Be2+ and 6 for elements in rows 3 and 4 of the periodic… … Wikipedia
Resting potential — The relatively static membrane potential of quiescent cells is called the resting membrane potential (or resting voltage), as opposed to the specific dynamic electrochemical phenomena called action potential and graded membrane potential. Apart… … Wikipedia
Mercury(II) thiocyanate — Other names Mercuric thiocyanate Mercuric sulfocyanate … Wikipedia