- determinate relation
- мат. определенное отношение
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Determinate und Determinable — Als Determinate und Determinable bezeichnet man in der modernen Ontologie Eigenschaften, Objekte oder Prozesse, die in einer spezifischen Relation zueinander stehen. Als Determinable gelten dabei Entitäten, die durch Determinaten spezifiziert… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hegel’s logic and philosophy of mind — Willem deVries LOGIC AND MIND IN HEGEL’S PHILOSOPHY Hegel is above all a systematic philosopher. Awe inspiring in its scope, his philosophy left no subject untouched. Logic provides the central, unifying framework as well as the general… … History of philosophy
Critique of Pure Reason — Part of a series on Immanuel … Wikipedia
Religion (Philosophies of) — Philosophies of religion Marcel, Jaspers, Levinas William Desmond Gabriel Marcel (1889–1973), Karl Jaspers (1883–1969) and Emmanuel Levinas (1906–) seem like a mere aggregate of thinkers. Jaspers, a German thinker who coined the phrase Existenz… … History of philosophy
Kierkegaard’s speculative despair — Judith Butler Every movement of infinity is carried out through passion, and no reflection can produce a movement. This is the continual leap in existence that explains the movement, whereas mediation is a chimera, which in Hegel is supposed to… … History of philosophy
Idealism (italian) and after — Italian idealism and after Gentile, Croce and others Giacomo Rinaldi INTRODUCTION The history of twentieth century Italian philosophy is strongly influenced both by the peculiar character of its evolution in the preceding century and by… … History of philosophy
Descartes: methodology — Stephen Gaukroger INTRODUCTION The seventeenth century is often referred to as the century of the Scientific Revolution, a time of fundamental scientific change in which traditional theories were either replaced by new ones or radically… … History of philosophy
Structuralism (french) and after — French structuralism and after De Saussure, Lévi Strauss, Barthes, Lacan, Foucault Hugh J.Silverman FERDINAND DE SAUSSURE The history of structuralism cannot be thought without Ferdinand de Saussure (1857– 1913). The Swiss linguist lecturing in… … History of philosophy
language, philosophy of — Philosophical study of the nature and use of natural languages and the relations between language, language users, and the world. It encompasses the philosophical study of linguistic meaning (see semantics), the philosophical study of language… … Universalium
Kant: Critique of Judgement — Patrick Gardiner Kant’s third Critique, the Critique of Judgement, was published in 1790 and was intended as he himself put it to bring his “entire critical undertaking to a close.” So conceived, it was certainly in part designed to build upon… … History of philosophy
Indian philosophy — Any of the numerous philosophical systems developed on the Indian subcontinent, including both orthodox (astika) systems, namely, the Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsa, and Vedanta schools of philosophy, and unorthodox (nastika) systems … Universalium