detailed statement
Смотреть что такое "detailed statement" в других словарях:
detailed statement — index instruction (teaching), recital, specification Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
detailed — I adjective accounted, accurate, all inclusive, annotated, complete, comprehensive, delineated, described, descriptive, elaborated, enumerated, exact, exhaustive, explicit, full of details, graphic, inclusive, itemized, meticulous, minute,… … Law dictionary
Statement veracity analysis — There are three principal disciplines of Statement Veracity Analysis.1) Criteria Based Content Analysis ( CBCA)2) Statement Content Analysis ( SCAN ) ª3) Scientific Content Analysis ( SCAN )The study of Statement Analysis is the study of Verbal… … Wikipedia
statement — state·ment n 1 a: an official or formal report or declaration a statement of policy b: an oral or written assertion (as by a witness) or conduct intended as an assertion see also hearsay, prior consistent statement … Law dictionary
statement of financial affairs — A detailed set of questions in a prescribed form which must be filed by the debtor in each bankruptcy case. also see schedules of assets and liabilities (Bernstein s Dictionary of Bankruptcy Terminology) A series of questions the debtor must… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
statement of investment principles — (SIP) The trustees of an occupational pension scheme must put in place and maintain a statement of investment principles (SIP). This must set out the basis on which the trustees plan to invest the scheme assets. There are detailed requirements… … Law dictionary
statement of Financial Affairs — A series of questions the debtor must answer in writing concerning sources of income, transfers of property, lawsuits by creditors, etc (SA United Glossary of Bankruptcy Terms 2012. statement of financial affairs A detailed set of … Glossary of Bankruptcy
detailed account — index statement Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
statement — Also receipt Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary A detailed summary of an account. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary See deposit receipt, withdrawal receipt. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary * * * statement state‧ment… … Financial and business terms
statement — In a general sense, an allegation; a declaration of matters of fact. The term has come to be used of a variety of formal.narratives of facts, required by law in various jurisdictions as the foundation of judicial or official proceedings and in a… … Black's law dictionary
statement — noun 1 something that you say or write ADJECTIVE ▪ brief, short ▪ Saunder s lawyer made a brief statement to the press outside the court. ▪ bald, blunt, flat ▪ … Collocations dictionary